Legend Of The Champion

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Ren being the peacemaker she is tries to distract them from their little eye to eye conversation."The very best of the best gather her for their chance to battle against the Elite Four and become the Champion of Kanto. But before that we must battle against various other trainers that are aiming to be masters like us!",Ren said. "If we have to fight against each other, I won't go easy.",said Raiden. "Likewise! I would like a good battle myself. I won't be showing any mercy to any of you!",Mayu remarked.

"So you're after revenge?", Ren asked to which Mayu nodded and Raiden said that he was after power. "What are you after Ren?",Mayu asked to which Ren laughed and said,"Money! In this world, there's nothing that beats Money may that be love. I will do anything and everything for Money!", she said thought to herself if maybe that was the reason Steven chose her in the first place because the job offers good money. "You really don't have any dignity, do you Ren?",Mayu asked. "What a rude thing to say!",said Raiden while Ren just laughed.

Just like that they were at the Indigo Plateau. Their expectations came true and they say both Azura and Sayuri there. Although he had just lost his father, Azura was still determined to win despite the tragedy and Sayuri was as optimistic as always.

As the group gathered at the Indigo Plateau, the camaraderie among them was evident. Despite the challenges they had faced and the personal tragedies they had endured, their determination remained unshaken. They knew that this was the moment to showcase their skills and prove themselves as formidable trainers.

The air was thick with anticipation as the battles began. Trainers from all walks of life, each with their own dreams and aspirations, clashed in epic duels. Mayu, Raiden, and Ren approached their battles with unwavering resolve, their determination shining through every move they made.

Through intense battles and strategic maneuvers, they navigated their way through the fierce competition. Each victory brought them one step closer to their ultimate goal of challenging the Elite Four and claiming the title of Champion. But it was not just about winning; it was about the bonds they formed, the lessons they learned, and the growth they experienced along the way.

The group gathered around a small campfire, the crackling flames casting dancing shadows on their faces. Ren, with a serious expression, spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Have any of you heard of the legend of the champion?" Ren asked, her voice carrying a hint of intrigue. "It is said that for the past 16 years, anyone who claims the title of Grand Champion meets an unfortunate fate, dying within less than a year of their victory."

The mention of the curse drew the attention of the others, their eyes narrowing with curiosity. Mayu leaned forward, her brows furrowing. "The curse of Reiketsu Ken, the champion from 16 years ago," she said, her voice tinged with both fascination and caution. "I've heard whispers about it, but it's often dismissed as mere superstition."

Raiden crossed his arms, a pensive look on his face. "If there's any truth to this curse, it raises questions about the nature of the championship and the forces at play behind it," he mused. "We can't ignore such a pattern, especially if it poses a threat to us as aspiring champions."

Sayuri nodded, her eyes reflecting determination. "If there is indeed a curse, we must uncover its origins and find a way to break it," she said firmly. "No curse can hold us back from our goals, especially when we have each other's support."

Azura, normally quiet and reserved, spoke up, his voice filled with a mix of concern and determination. "We must proceed with caution and be vigilant, aware of any signs that may indicate the curse's presence," he suggested. "Perhaps by understanding the story of Reiketsu Ken, we can uncover the key to breaking the curse."

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