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As the group of trainers, including Mayu, Ren, Raiden, Riyu, and the Gym Leaders, stood on the battlefield, preparing to confront the mysterious trainer who had provoked Ho-oh and Lugia into battle, a strange and eerie silence descended upon the area.

Their attention remained fixed on the sky where Ho-oh and Lugia had been locked in a fierce clash just moments ago. But now, the Legendary Pokémon had vanished without a trace.

The sudden disappearance left everyone bewildered and in a state of uncertainty. The sky, once filled with the chaotic energy of the battle, returned to its tranquil and serene state, as if nothing had happened.

Raiden spoke in a hushed tone, his confusion evident, "Did they... just disappear?"

Mayu, Ren, and the others exchanged glances, unable to provide a clear answer to the inexplicable turn of events. It was as if Ho-oh and Lugia had simply vanished into thin air.

Morty, who had been on the front lines of the battle, turned to the group with a furrowed brow. "This is... unprecedented. I've never seen anything like it. We should proceed with caution and find out what's going on."

As they cautiously scanned the area for any signs of the mysterious trainer, a sense of unease settled over them. The disappearance of the Legendary Pokémon had only deepened the mystery surrounding the events that had unfolded.

With more questions than answers, the group knew that their journey was far from over, and the true nature of the threat they faced was still shrouded in uncertainty.

As the chaos surrounding the disappearance of Ho-Oh and Lugia settled down, Mayu, Ren, Raiden, Riyu, and the Gym Leaders found themselves confronted by an unexpected presence-the Johto Elite Four. The Elite Four members were renowned trainers in their own right, each with a formidable team of Pokémon. Will and Karen approached them.

One of the Elite Four members,Will presence, spoke on their behalf. "We were sent here by Lance, the Champion of the Johto League. He wishes to speak with you."

Mayu, Ren, Raiden, and the others were taken aback by the mention of Lance, the revered Champion of Johto. They knew that Lance was a powerful and respected trainer, and his request held significant weight.

Raiden stepped forward, his curiosity piqued. "Why does Lance want to speak with us? What's happening in Johto?"

Karen nodded, her expression grave. "Lance will explain everything. But first, you must come with us. He believes your presence is crucial in addressing the recent events that have shaken Johto."

Raiden, Mayu, Ren, and the rest of the group exchanged glances once more. They knew that the situation in Johto was far from ordinary, and they needed to uncover the truth behind the mysterious trainer who had provoked Ho-oh and Lugia into battle and their sudden disappearance.

The group was ushered into a grand chamber where Lance, the Champion of the Johto League, awaited their arrival. Lance's imposing figure stood tall, his expression unreadable. As they entered the room, his gaze fixed squarely on Mayu, causing an uncomfortable tension to fill the air.

Lance wasted no time and got straight to the point, his voice carrying a weight of authority and concern. "Mayu, I never thought a day like this would come. The Hiraoka family, your family, has played a role in the recent events in Johto. War criminals... That's what you are."

Mayu, though taken aback by the accusation, stood her ground with a stern look in her eyes. The gravity of Lance's words hung heavy in the room, and the others exchanged nervous glances, unsure of the implications of this revelation.

Raiden stepped forward, his voice tinged with confusion and disbelief. "Lance, are you sure about this?"

Lance's expression remained unyielding as he addressed Raiden. "I have my sources and evidence, Raiden. The Hiraoka family's involvement in the recent turmoil in Johto cannot be denied any longer."

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