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With a swift motion, Mayu released all her Pokémon, forming a protective barrier around the citizens of Sootopolis. Each Pokémon stood ready, determined to shield the city from the potential fallout of the clash between Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre.

The citizens, initially bewildered by the sudden turn of events, soon found themselves surrounded by a circle of trust. Mayu's Pokémon exuded a sense of calm and resilience, showcasing the unspoken bond between Trainer and Pokémon. It was a testament to the training and camaraderie forged through countless battles and shared experiences.

As Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre faced each other, the atmosphere grew charged with primal energy. Mayu, standing at the forefront, surveyed the scene with a mix of concern and determination. This was not merely a battle; it was a confrontation of legendary proportions, and the fate of Hoenn teetered on the precipice.

The citizens, now under the protective shelter of Pokémon companions, watched in awe and gratitude. The symbolic act of releasing her Pokémon showcased Mayu's commitment to the safety of those she had sworn to protect. It was a reminder that in the face of extraordinary challenges, the unbreakable bond between Trainers and their Pokémon could become a beacon of hope.

The primal clash began, unleashing titanic waves and seismic forces that reverberated through Sootopolis. Mayu's Pokémon, resolute in their duty, stood firm, ready to shield the citizens from any repercussions.

Amidst the chaotic clash of Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre, Mayu's Pokémon sprang into action, each displaying unparalleled strength and determination. The once serene city of Sootopolis was now a battlefield, and Mayu's team had become its steadfast guardians.

Sceptile moved with unmatched agility, dodging torrents of water and bursts of fiery energy. Its Razor Leaf attacks sliced through the air, creating a protective barrier for citizens attempting to evacuate. Mayu, commanding with unwavering focus, directed Sceptile to use its Leaf Blade to cut through obstacles blocking escape routes.

Manectric, a beacon of electric power, crackled with energy as it unleashed Thunderbolts towards the tumultuous skies. The flashes of lightning momentarily illuminated the chaos, revealing the path for fleeing citizens. Mayu coordinated with Manectric to ensure that its electric attacks were strategically placed, avoiding collateral damage.

Shiftry, with its ominous presence, conjured gusts of wind and dark energy to disrupt the primal forces at play. Whirling leaves surrounded Shiftry as it used its ominous winds to shield citizens from the onslaught. Mayu multitasked, overseeing evacuations while ensuring Shiftry's defensive maneuvers held strong.

Banette, with its ghostly form, weaved through the tumult, providing support where needed. Its Will-O-Wisp attacks served a dual purpose – to distract the primal Pokémon and create beacons of light, guiding citizens away from danger. Mayu communicated with Banette telepathically, orchestrating its movements with precision.

Milotic, a graceful guardian, created a protective barrier with its Aqua Ring to shield citizens from the rampant weather changes. Its Hydro Pumps counteracted the destructive forces, creating brief moments of calm within the chaos. Mayu relied on Milotic's soothing presence to keep citizens calm during the evacuation.

Altaria, with its ethereal wings, soared through the tumultuous skies, singing a melody that resonated with tranquility. Altaria's Cotton Guard provided an additional layer of protection for citizens caught in the crossfire. Mayu urged Altaria to guide the evacuation efforts from above, its celestial presence instilling hope.

As the battle shifted to open land, the clash between Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre intensified, threatening to escalate the catastrophe. Mayu, with beads of sweat on her forehead and a weariness in her eyes, knew that the final moments of this epic confrontation would demand everything from her and her Pokémon.

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