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The next day, Raiden wakes up with amnesia and feels disoriented. He looks around his surroundings, unable to recognize where he is. His head throbs with pain, and he struggles to remember anything about the events that transpired the previous day. Slowly, he manages to sit up, trying to piece together fragments of memories.

"Where am I?" Raiden mutters, his voice barely audible. "What happened?"

Mayu and Ren rush into the room, relieved to see Raiden awake. "Raiden! Are you okay?" Mayu asks, her voice filled with concern.

Raiden looks at them with confusion in his eyes. "I... I don't know. I can't remember anything."

Ren frowns, her worry evident on her face. "You don't remember anything from yesterday? The battle with Archer and the Houndoom?"

Raiden shakes his head, his expression troubled. "I remember being at the Radio Tower, and then everything becomes a blur. I can't recall anything else."

Mayu and Ren exchange worried glances, realizing that the battle with the dark forces had taken a toll on Raiden's memory. They explain to him what happened after he lost consciousness, how Mayu had fought Archer and how Silver had confronted him.

"But I don't remember any of it," Raiden says, frustration evident in his voice. "It's like my memory has been wiped clean."

Mayu places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, Raiden. You must have been through a lot. Your memory will come back with time."

Ren nods in agreement. "Yes, give yourself some time to rest. We'll be here with you every step of the way."

Raiden takes a deep breath, trying to process everything. "I... I trust you both. But it's scary not being able to remember."

"We understand," Mayu says gently. "But you're not alone in this. We'll help you remember, and we'll face whatever comes our way together." Riyu came into the room and said that she will be focusing on Raiden staying away from darkness. She tells him that Sayuri and Silver are on their way to the Johto Championship. They move to Ecruteak and they find the entire city deserted.

Raiden's confusion deepens as he takes in the situation. "Legendary Beasts? Team Rocket? This is a lot to process."

Morty nods, his expression serious. "Yes, it's a difficult time for Ecruteak. But we can't let fear control us. We need to stand up against these threats and protect our city."

Ren steps forward, determination in her eyes. "We're here to help. Whatever it takes, we'll stand alongside you and the people of Ecruteak."

Mayu adds, "And Raiden, once you regain your memories, your strength will be crucial in this fight."

Raiden clenches his fists, a sense of responsibility growing within him. "I might not remember everything now, but I won't let fear stop me."

"What about the stopwatch I gave you?",Mayu asked. "Mayu there are somethings that seem unbelievable but if my intuition is correct then, it's warning of upcoming disaster for you.",he remarked. "What?",she asked as she stopped following. "It's hard to process but Alexander Swift...",he said. "You should try keeping it with you tonight. Maybe you might just find the key to avoid the danger.",he said and guided them to a safe house and gave Mayu the stopwatch. She was hesitant to keep it with her.

As Mayu's nightmare unfolds, she finds herself immersed in scenes of shadowy figures from the past. The images are fragmented and mysterious, weaving a tale of intrigue and darkness.

As Mayu delves deeper into her nightmare, a chilling scene materializes before her. She finds herself standing within a dimly lit laboratory, the air heavy with anticipation. Before her, a group of scientists clad in white lab coats bustle around a large, advanced machine, its lights flickering with energy.

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