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Mayu, Raiden and Sayuri rush to find out that Ren and Azura have passed out from their battle against Tsukiko. "Mayu... Your brother's lost it...",Ren tried to speak. "He used a Pokemon he called Mewtwo. It had a resemblance to Mew...",Azura continued. Raiden remembered that he read about it on Cinnabar. That was Team Rocket's weapon. Sayuri stays with Ren and Azura while Mayu and Raiden to inform the Elite Four and Gym Leaders about this. To their surprise, they say Tsukiko and Mewtwo overpowering all the Gym Leaders and Elite Four. In just a split second, they were all down. "This can't be happening...",Mayu said.

Mayu and Raiden stood in disbelief as they witnessed the overpowering force of Tsukiko and Mewtwo. The once mighty Gym Leaders and Elite Four, renowned for their strength and skill, lay defeated before their very eyes. The magnitude of the situation weighed heavily upon them.

"We need to do something, Raiden," Mayu whispered, her voice filled with a mix of determination and concern. "If Tsukiko and Mewtwo continue like this, they will wreak havoc upon Kanto."

Raiden clenched his fists, his gaze fixed on the chaotic scene unfolding before them. "We can't let them get away with this. We have to find a way to stop them and protect Kanto."

As the chaos continued to unfold, Lance's attempt to use Dragonite's Hyper Beam on Mewtwo proved unsuccessful. The powerful attack failed to inflict any significant damage, and instead, innocent civilians were caught in the crossfire, sustaining injuries.

Lance's brow furrowed in frustration and concern. He observed Mewtwo closely and noticed a subtle change-a slight weakening in its power. Realization dawned upon him, and he quickly turned to Mayu and Raiden.

"Mewtwo is losing power," Lance revealed, his voice laced with a mix of urgency and determination. "There might be a chance to defeat it, but we must act quickly. He said to r"

Mayu's eyes widened with a glimmer of hope, but she hesitated for a moment. She considered Lance's offer to take on Tsukiko in Cerulean Cave. However, her sense of responsibility and determination took hold.

"No, Lance," Mayu spoke firmly. "You and Raiden need to stay here and help the fallen, tend to the injured. We can't let more people suffer. Ren, Azura, Sayuri, and I will face Tsukiko and Mewtwo in Cerulean Cave."

Raiden nodded in agreement, his resolve unwavering. "Mayu is right. Our priority is to protect the people of Kanto. We will do whatever it takes to ensure their safety."

Lance understood the weight of Mayu's words and the importance of their mission. He nodded, accepting his role in the situation. "Be careful, both of you. Mayu, Raiden, you carry the hopes of Kanto on your shoulders. Bring an end to this madness."

As the fierce battle unfolded within the depths of Cerulean Cave, Mayu's team fought with unwavering determination. Her Pokémon unleashed their most powerful attacks, fueled by their trainer's unwavering spirit.

Mayu commanded her Blastoise to unleash a devastating Hydro Cannon, a torrential blast of water that surged towards Mewtwo with incredible force. The attack struck Mewtwo head-on, but the psychic powerhouse managed to endure the onslaught, displaying its immense power and resilience.

Meanwhile, Mayu's Dragonair, fueled by her unwavering trust, determination, and the intensity of the battle, began to undergo a remarkable transformation. The energy surging within Dragonair caused it to evolve into a magnificent Dragonite, a dragon of unparalleled strength and power.

With newfound power, Dragonite let loose a blistering Hyper Beam, a concentrated beam of energy that surged towards Mewtwo with blinding intensity. The air crackled with raw power as the attack collided with Mewtwo's defenses, shaking the very foundation of the cave.

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