S.S.Anne Fiasco

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As Raiden finds himself alone in one of Vermilion City's parks, contemplating his next move after the intense battle with Proton, an unexpected encounter unfolds. The President of the Pokemon Fanclub approaches him, his face filled with worry and desperation.

Breathing heavily, the President explains that he had fallen victim to Team Rocket's sinister schemes. They had cunningly stolen his beloved Pokemon, leaving him heartbroken and determined to retrieve them at any cost. Realizing that Raiden possesses the strength and determination of a capable trainer, the President implores Raiden for his assistance in hunting down the criminals and reclaiming his Pokemon.

Understanding the President's pain and empathizing with his desire to reunite with his stolen Pokemon, Raiden listens intently. He recognizes the opportunity not only to help the President but also to strike a blow against Team Rocket.

With a resolute expression, Raiden accepts the President's plea for assistance, ready to take on the challenge of tracking down Team Rocket and retrieving the stolen Pokemon. In a gesture of trust and gratitude, the President hands Raiden a ticket to board the S.S. Anne, knowing that Team Rocket is likely to target the luxury cruise ship.

As Raiden holds the ticket tightly in his hand, he takes a deep breath, visualizing the battles that lie ahead. He is ready to board the S.S. Anne, knowing that within its luxurious confines, Team Rocket's nefarious plans will face the resistance of determined trainers like himself.

With a newfound ally and a clear mission in mind, Raiden sets off towards the S.S. Anne, prepared to face the challenges that await him. He is driven by the hope of bringing justice to those affected by Team Rocket's actions and the unwavering belief that together, trainers can overcome any obstacle.

As Mayu presses on towards Cerulean City, her determination unwavering, a shadowy figure emerges from the darkness. It is Proton, the relentless Team Rocket admin who has been pursuing her relentlessly. Mayu's heart sinks as she realizes that her escape has been short-lived.

Proton's eyes glimmer with a mix of triumph and malice as he approaches Mayu, a wicked smile playing across his lips. He swiftly closes the distance between them, leaving her with no chance to evade his grasp. In a swift and calculated move, he injects a poisoned needle into Mayu's arm, the venom coursing through her veins.

The poison takes effect almost instantaneously, spreading through Mayu's body. Weakness washes over her, her movements becoming sluggish and her vision hazy. As her strength wanes, she fights to stay conscious, unwilling to succumb to the darkness that threatens to engulf her.

Through blurred vision, Mayu catches a glimpse of Proton's face, distorted by her fading consciousness. His voice rings out, taunting and filled with a sadistic delight. "You see, Mayu," he sneers, "Your escape was only temporary. You are now at our mercy, just as Raiden will be on the S.S. Anne."

A surge of panic mixes with the pain of the poison as Mayu realizes the gravity of her situation. She knows that Proton's words hold weight, that her fate is intrinsically tied to Raiden's, and that the battle against Team Rocket has only just begun.

As Mayu regains consciousness, she finds herself confined within a cramped and dimly lit crate. The relentless rocking motion of the ship beneath her only adds to her disorientation. Determined not to succumb to her captivity, she musters her remaining strength and focuses on finding a way to escape.

With a surge of adrenaline, Mayu realizes that the crate's latch is within reach. She stretches her arm as far as she can, her fingertips brushing against the latch. With a desperate and determined effort, she manages to slide it open, her heart racing with a newfound sense of hope.

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