Problems In Kanto

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After the events of the previous night, Ren decided to inform Reina about Mayu's encounter with Raiden and the subsequent battle that had taken place. With a heavy heart, Ren approached Reina, who had been anxiously waiting for news.

"Reina, there's something important I need to tell you," Ren began, her voice filled with concern. "Mayu and Raiden had a confrontation last night. It was intense, and Raiden flew away on his Charizard after the battle."

Reina's eyes widened with worry as she listened intently. "Is Mayu alright? What happened between them?"

Ren sighed, searching for the right words. "Mayu confronted Raiden about his connections to Team Rocket and the secrets he had been keeping. Things escalated, and it ended with Raiden flying away, leaving Mayu devastated."

Reina's face paled, and she clasped her hands together tightly. "Oh no, I had hoped they would find a way to reconcile. I fear for Raiden and the darkness he carries within him."

Ren nodded, her expression reflecting her concern. "That's why I need your help, Reina. We have to find Raiden and bring him back. He's lost and tormented by his past, and he needs our support."

Reina took a deep breath, her motherly instincts kicking in. "You're right, Ren. We can't abandon him now, especially knowing what he's going through. We'll do everything we can to find him and help him."

As Ren and Reina strategized their next steps, Ren realized the importance of seeking guidance and support from others who had knowledge and experience in handling difficult situations. She reached for her phone and dialed a familiar number.

"Hello, Steven? It's Ren. I need your help. Mayu and I are in Cinnabar Island, and Raiden has disappeared after a heated confrontation. We don't know where he's gone, and we're worried about him."

Steven's voice came through the phone, laced with concern. "Ren, I'm here for you. Tell me everything you know, and together we'll figure out the best course of action. We won't rest until we find Raiden and bring him back safely."

Ren felt a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty, knowing that she had Reina's support and Steven's guidance. They would forge ahead, determined to locate Raiden and help him confront his demons.

As the conversation with Steven unfolded, Ren couldn't help but pray that they would find Raiden soon, and that together, they could help him find his way back to the light.

"Ren, there's something else I need to tell you," Steven said with a serious tone. "I've received information that Team Rocket is planning to capture Moltres, one of the legendary birds, in the Sevii Islands."

Ren's eyes widened in alarm. "Moltres? But that's a powerful and rare Pokémon. If Team Rocket gets hold of it, they could cause unimaginable destruction."

Steven nodded. "Exactly. We can't let that happen. Raiden's connection to Team Rocket might provide us with valuable insights. If we can find him and convince him to join our cause, we might have a chance to stop them."

Ren's determination surged as she processed the information. "I understand, Steven. We must find Raiden and stop Team Rocket's plans. Mayu and I will do whatever it takes to bring him back and put an end to their schemes."

Steven's voice brimmed with confidence. "I have faith in both of you. The Sevii Islands are dangerous, but I know you're capable. I'll provide any assistance I can from here and coordinate our efforts. We'll work together to save Moltres and stop Team Rocket."

Ren thanked Steven for his support and ended the call, a renewed sense of purpose burning within her. She turned to Reina, who had been listening attentively.

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