We Meet Again

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Ren receives a response from Steven, the Champion of the Hoenn region, in which he expresses his apologies for the lack of communication. He explains that he has been preoccupied with various challenges and crises occurring in Hoenn that have demanded his attention.

Steven acknowledges Ren's commitment and bravery in her mission to defeat Team Rocket and maintain diplomatic relations between Kanto and Hoenn. He assures her that her efforts have not gone unnoticed and that the Hoenn region stands in solidarity with her cause.

He shares his admiration for Ren's strength and determination, highlighting the courage she has displayed in facing off against Team Rocket. Steven expresses his trust in her abilities as a trainer and assures her that she has the support of the Hoenn government and the Pokémon League.

Steven concludes his message by encouraging Ren to stay vigilant and focused on her mission. He promises to do his part in assisting her from the Hoenn region and offers any resources or aid that she may require. He reiterates his belief in her and her companions and expresses confidence in their ability to bring down Team Rocket.

Ren, reading Steven's message, feels a renewed sense of determination and reassurance. She realizes that she is not alone in her fight against Team Rocket and that she has the support and backing of the Hoenn region, including the influential figure of Steven himself.

With her spirits lifted and a sense of renewed purpose, Ren continues her journey alongside Mayu, Raiden, and now Azura, knowing that she carries the hopes of both Kanto and Hoenn in her quest to eradicate Team Rocket and ensure a safe and prosperous future for all Pokémon trainers.

She awakens in the dimly lit room after reading the message, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. As she glances around, she notices that Raiden, who had been resting nearby, is visibly troubled. Concerned, she moves closer to him and gently places a hand on his shoulder.

"Raiden, are you okay?" she asks, her voice filled with genuine concern. "You seem troubled. Is something bothering you?"

Raiden turns to look at Ren, his expression a mixture of confusion and distress. He takes a deep breath before finally speaking, his voice filled with a hint of unease. "I can't shake off what Ariana said earlier. About me having ties to Team Rocket that I don't even know about. It's been bothering me ever since."

As the conversation between Ren and Raiden unfolds, Mayu silently listens from a hidden corner of the room, her eyes narrowed with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. The mention of Raiden's troubled state and Ariana's words about his alleged ties to Team Rocket pique her interest. Feeling a surge of unease, she decides to confront Raiden, seeking answers to the lingering doubts in her mind.

Emerging from the shadows, Mayu approaches Raiden with a determined look on her face. In her hand, she tightly grips the needle she retrieved earlier, ready to make her point. As she confronts him, her voice carries a hint of accusation.

"Raiden, what's going on? Why would Ariana say such things about you? Are you hiding something?" Mayu's voice quivers with a mix of anger and concern.

Raiden, caught off guard by Mayu's sudden aggression, instinctively takes a step back. He raises his sword, holding it firmly but not intending to use it as a weapon against her. His eyes reflect a mix of surprise and defense.

"Mayu, calm down," he responds, trying to defuse the tension in the air. "Ariana's words may have planted doubts, but I assure you, I am not connected to Team Rocket in any way. I've been fighting against them alongside you. We're on the same side."

Mayu's gaze narrows further, her grip on the needle tightening. "Prove it," she challenges, her voice laced with suspicion. "If you truly have nothing to hide, then show me. Show me that you're not deceiving us."

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