Goodbye Johto

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As the night wore on, the weight of the revelations they had experienced weighed heavily on both Mayu and Raiden. The truth about Raiden's past had left him in a state of inner turmoil, and he grappled with the knowledge that he was a hybrid-a product of an experiment he had never asked for.

In the midst of their quiet contemplation, Raiden suddenly and unintentionally called Mayu by the name "Shane." He immediately realized his mistake and tried to apologize, but to his surprise, he continued to call her by the wrong name, as if some unseen force was compelling him to do so.

Mayu, her patience wearing thin and her emotions running high, decided to take a drastic step. She pulled out a needle and placed it against Raiden's chest, her eyes locked onto his with a fierce intensity.

She asked in a voice laced with a mix of anger and desperation, "How do you know Shane? How do you know my dead elder sister?"

Raiden felt a surge of panic and dread as Mayu's needle pressed against his chest. He knew that he couldn't reveal the truth of the vision he had witnessed during their encounter with Celebi. He had seen something that had shaken him to his core, something he was not ready to share.

"I don't know," Raiden replied, his voice trembling. "I don't know how I know that name. It just... came out."

Mayu's eyes bore into his, searching for any hint of deception. But Raiden maintained his composure, keeping the truth hidden deep within himself.

The tension between them was palpable, and they both knew that there were secrets and mysteries that still lingered, waiting to be uncovered. As they continued to grapple with the revelations of the past, they also understood that their journey was far from over, and the challenges they faced were greater than they had ever imagined.

As Mayu demanded the truth from Raiden, he finally relented, acknowledging the strange connection they shared with the name "Shane." He explained, "Mayu, when Celebi sent us back in time, I saw a vision of a person who looked like you being called Shane. It was as if I was witnessing a different reality, one where you were known by that name."

Mayu's eyes widened at the revelation, her mind racing to understand the implications of what Raiden had seen. She couldn't help but wonder about the existence of parallel worlds or alternate timelines, where their lives might have taken drastically different paths.

Desperate for answers, Mayu pressed further, asking, "What else did you see, Raiden? Tell me everything."

Raiden hesitated, his memories of the vision still vivid in his mind. "I saw... I saw you being pulled away by someone who looked like you. It was like... it was your father, I think."

Mayu's expression turned solemn as she absorbed this new piece of information. Her voice was heavy with sorrow as she revealed a painful truth. "She was executed by our family. I don't know why, but she was taken from us, and I've been searching for answers ever since."

The weight of their shared past and the mysteries that surrounded it hung heavy in the air. Mayu and Raiden knew that they were now connected by more than just their journey as trainers; they were bound by the tangled threads of their family histories and the secrets that still remained hidden, waiting to be unraveled.

Raiden, his voice filled with disbelief and horror, asked the question that had been haunting him. "Why would your own father do something so... so cruel, Mayu?"

Mayu's eyes were clouded with pain as she shared a dark chapter of her past. "My father was a man consumed by ambition and power. He was ruthless and saw our family's loyalty as a tool to maintain control. Shane, my sister, was executed right in front of me when I was just five years old. I don't remember much, but it was a deliberate act, designed to instill fear and loyalty in me. He wanted to ensure that I would stay loyal to the family, no matter the cost."

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