Slateport City

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Ren's voice wavered as she called out, "Steven, wait."

He paused, turning back to face her, his expression unreadable. "What is it now?"

"I can't go to Sootopolis," Ren murmured, her eyes downcast.

Steven's brows furrowed in confusion. "Why?"

Taking a deep breath, Ren looked up, meeting his gaze squarely. "I'm with Mayu now. She doesn't know about my past, and I can't risk putting her, or Raiden, in danger because of me."

A moment of silence stretched between them before Steven responded, his tone stern, "You're a liability, Ren. I can't take chances with Mayu and Raiden's safety."

"I've left the path of being a Trainer," Ren continued, desperation evident in her voice. "I want to participate in Contests, to start anew. It's the only way I can conceal myself from the Government and protect those around me."

Steven contemplated her words, the weight of her plea evident in his eyes. "Your choices have consequences, Ren. If you stay, you'll be living on borrowed time, always looking over your shoulder."

"I know the risks," Ren whispered, determination flashing in her eyes. "But this is my chance at redemption, Steven. Please, trust me."

Steven sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'll give you a chance, but remember, if anything goes wrong, it's on you."

A sense of relief washed over Ren as she nodded, grateful for the lifeline Steven had thrown her way. She was determined to make the most of this second chance, no matter the cost.

But as Steven leaves, he asked her where she got a Salamence from. Ren hesitated for a moment, her eyes shifting away before she finally responded, "I acquired it during my travels before coming to Hoenn. It was a gift from someone I met."

Steven's gaze sharpened, sensing there was more to the story than she was letting on. "Be careful, Ren. A Salamence isn't just any Pokémon. They're powerful and can be dangerous in the wrong hands."

"I know," Ren replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "But it's also been my partner, my protector. I trust it."

Steven nodded slowly, still wary but choosing to trust her judgment for now. "Just remember, Ren, trust goes both ways. Don't betray it." With that, he turned and left, leaving Ren to ponder the weight of his words.

As Mayu and Raiden stepped off the boat, the cool sea breeze brushed against their faces, carrying with it a sense of anticipation. Their eyes scanned the shoreline, searching for familiar faces. Among the crowd, Ren stood, her posture slightly hunched, a mixture of nervousness and longing evident in her eyes.

"Ren?" Mayu exclaimed in surprise, her steps quickening as she approached her old friend. "What are you doing here? We thought you were in the hospital in Dewford."

Raiden, following closely behind, eyed Ren cautiously. "Yeah, what happened? Are you okay?"

Ren hesitated for a moment, her gaze drifting away before meeting Mayu's eyes. "I... I left the hospital. I needed some fresh air, some time alone."

Mayu's expression softened with concern. "But you should've told us. We were worried."

Raiden nodded in agreement, though a hint of suspicion lingered in his eyes. "Yeah, Ren. We're a team, remember?"

Ren forced a smile, her heart heavy with guilt. "I know, and I'm sorry. I just needed some time to think."

The atmosphere grew tense for a moment, the unspoken words hanging between them. Mayu finally broke the silence, "Well, you're back now, and that's what matters. Let's stick together, okay?"

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