Brendan Returns

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The elder, a venerable figure draped in robes that seemed to carry the weight of centuries, approached Mayu with deliberate steps. In his outstretched hand, he held a gleaming Jade Orb, its surface etched with intricate patterns that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy.

"Mayu," he began, his voice a deep resonance that echoed in the vastness of the mountain. "This is the Jade Orb. It has been safeguarded by my ancestors for generations."

Mayu, still reeling from the encounter with Shelly and the revelation of Ren's grave, looked at the orb with a mixture of reverence and curiosity. "Why entrust it to me?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

The elder studied her for a moment, his eyes wise and knowing. "The orbs choose their bearers, and in this dire time, it seems the Jade Orb has chosen you. Its power must not fall into the wrong hands."

Blendy, standing beside Mayu, looked at the orb with a sense of awe. "The legends spoke of the Jade Orb's ability to quell the raging energies of the Blue Orb," she whispered, her voice filled with wonder. "With both orbs, one could potentially control the very balance of nature."

The elder nodded solemnly. "Indeed. That is why it is of utmost importance that you protect it, Mayu. Team Aqua and Team Magma's ambitions know no bounds, and you may very well be the key to thwarting their plans."

Taking a deep breath, Mayu extended her hand, accepting the Jade Orb from the elder. She could feel its energy pulsating, resonating with her own inner strength. "I understand the gravity of this responsibility," she said, determination burning in her eyes. "I won't let you down."

The elder smiled, a rare gesture that seemed to lighten his ancient visage. "I trust you, young one. Remember, the fate of Hoenn may rest in your hands."

With the Jade Orb now in her possession and Blendy by her side, Mayu felt a renewed sense of purpose. The challenges ahead were daunting, but with the power of the orbs and the support of her friends, she was ready to face whatever came her way. She contacted Steven.

The transmission crackled as Steven's voice came through, a sense of urgency evident in his tone. "Mayu, there's something you need to know," he began, pausing briefly as if grappling with the weight of his words. "My father... he was attacked."

Mayu's heart sank, the gravity of the situation hitting her hard. "Attacked? Is he...?"

"He's alive, thankfully," Steven replied, relief evident in his voice. "But the situation is dire. I need to be with him in Rustboro. The attack seems to be linked to Team Magma and Team Aqua's escalating activities."

Silence settled between them for a moment, the weight of their responsibilities pressing down on them. Mayu took a deep breath, her resolve hardening. "Steven, Mt. Pyre is in turmoil as well. Shelly was here, attempting to steal the Blue Orb. I have the Jade Orb now, and Blendy and I will do everything we can to protect it."

Steven's voice held a note of gratitude. "Thank you, Mayu. I trust you. We're facing unprecedented challenges, but together, I believe we can overcome them."

Mayu nodded, even though Steven couldn't see her. "We will, Steven. Take care of your father, and keep me updated."

"I will," Steven assured her before the transmission ended.

As Mayu pocketed her device, she felt the weight of their intertwined destinies. The stakes were higher than ever, and the road ahead was fraught with danger. But with allies like Steven and Blendy at her side, Mayu was ready to face the challenges head-on, determined to protect Hoenn and bring those responsible to justice. But before that, she asked Blendy what she had to do there. Blendy then revealed the truth.

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