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As the urgency of the situation intensifies, Lance, a renowned Dragon-type Pokémon trainer and member of the Elite Four, reached out to Lt. Surge, the Gym Leader of Vermilion City. He urgently informs Surge about the imminent threat posed by Team Rocket on the S.S. Anne and emphasizes the need for swift action.

Lt. Surge, a formidable Electric-type specialist and a loyal ally in the fight against Team Rocket, wastes no time in mustering his forces. He rallies his fellow trainers and dispatches a team of skilled Electric-type Pokémon to the S.S. Anne, intent on putting an end to the nefarious plans of the criminal organization.

Meanwhile, as Raiden and Mayu finally reunite, Mayu's weakened state becomes evident. The poison coursing through her body takes its toll, and she collapses, her consciousness slipping away. Raiden's eyes widen with concern as he rushes to her side, desperately trying to revive her.

Just as Raiden frantically attempts to wake Mayu, the low-ranked grunt who had accompanied them seizes the opportunity to complete Team Rocket's mission. With a calculated and stealthy movement, he moves to leave the area, aiming to fulfill his orders in the absence of Mayu and Raiden.

However, before the grunt can make his escape, a surge of electricity crackles in the air. Lt. Surge, with his signature Raichu at his side, materializes before the grunt, blocking his path. The Gym Leader's stern expression sends a clear message that his interference will not be tolerated.

"Going somewhere, Team Rocket?" Lt. Surge's voice resonates with authority, his gaze piercing through the low-ranked grunt.

Fear and panic fill the grunt's eyes as he realizes the dire situation he finds himself in. He stammers, attempting to concoct an excuse or plea for mercy, but the Gym Leader's unwavering determination leaves no room for negotiation.

Lt. Surge takes a step forward, his Raichu emitting sparks of electricity, creating an intimidating presence. "Your schemes end here. You won't escape the consequences of your actions," Lt. Surge declares with a firm tone.

With nowhere to run and no chance of success, the low-ranked grunt surrenders, realizing the futility of resisting against Lt. Surge's formidable power. The weight of his actions and the consequences of his involvement in Team Rocket's plans hang heavy upon him.

As Lt. Surge detains the defeated grunt, he casts a concerned glance toward Raiden and the unconscious Mayu. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, he commands his team to provide immediate medical assistance and ensure their safety.

With the combined efforts of Lt. Surge and his fellow trainers, the S.S. Anne becomes a battleground for justice. The tides of the struggle against Team Rocket begin to turn, as hope is rekindled and the forces of evil face formidable opposition.

In this pivotal moment, the destinies of Raiden, Mayu, and their allies become intertwined. With the unwavering support of their friends and the guidance of experienced trainers like Lt. Surge, they stand a chance against the darkness that threatens to engulf them. The battle for their freedom and the defeat of Team Rocket is poised to reach its climax, setting the stage for an epic showdown.

As Proton stands before Giovanni, his mind racing with concern over the lost trainers and the critical documents, he listens attentively to the reports from his subordinates. Their voices quiver with trepidation as they relay the unexpected turn of events.

"The trainers have escaped our clutches, sir," one of the grunts admits, his voice filled with frustration. "Not only that, but a girl with green pigtails and a Dodrio intercepted us. She managed to seize the documents and defeat each and every one of us."

Giovanni's eyes narrow as he absorbs the information. The mention of this mysterious girl piques his interest, for it is not often that Team Rocket encounters such formidable adversaries. "A girl with green pigtails, you say?" Giovanni muses, his voice laced with curiosity. "She must possess considerable skill and power to have overcome you all."

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