That Boy Wally

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As the group journeyed through Route 102, they encountered several trainers eager for battles. With their newly captured Pokemon, they engaged in friendly skirmishes, honing their skills and strengthening their bonds with their partners.

The battles were intense but rewarding, and the group soon found themselves approaching Petalburg City. However, as they entered the bustling town, they noticed a growing commotion near the city's outskirts.

Curiosity piqued, they approached the gathering crowd and learned about a young boy named Wally. The townspeople were abuzz with excitement as Wally had just captured his very first Pokemon, a Ralts. His accomplishment was seen as a significant milestone, and the air was filled with admiration and enthusiasm.

Intrigued, the group decided to seek out Wally and congratulate him on his achievement. They soon found him in a nearby clearing, his eyes shining with excitement and pride as he interacted with his newly captured Ralts.

"Hello there," Mayu greeted with a friendly smile, approaching Wally with the group. "I'm Mayu, and these are my friends, Raiden, Ren, and Riyu. We heard about your amazing accomplishment and wanted to formally introduce ourselves."

Wally looked up, his face lighting up with gratitude. "Oh, hello! It's nice to meet you all. I'm Wally. This is my first Pokemon, and I couldn't be happier."

Ren, always the observant one, noticed the deep bond forming between Wally and his Ralts. "You seem to have a special connection with your Ralts already. That's truly remarkable."

Wally nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "I've always dreamed of becoming a Pokemon Trainer, and now, thanks to this Ralts, I'm one step closer to achieving that dream."

Raiden, impressed by Wally's passion, offered words of encouragement. "Keep that spirit alive, Wally. With dedication and hard work, you'll achieve great things as a Trainer."

As the group continued to converse with Wally, a tall figure approached them, drawing their attention. It was Norman, the esteemed Gym Leader of Petalburg City. His presence commanded respect, and the townspeople nearby whispered in admiration.

"Wally," Norman began, his voice firm yet gentle, "It's time to return the Linoone I lent you to help capture your Ralts."

Wally looked slightly disheartened but nodded in understanding. "Of course, sir. Thank you for your guidance."

As Wally returned the Linoone to Norman, Mayu saw an opportunity and stepped forward confidently. "Excuse me, Norman," she said, determination evident in her voice. "I would like to challenge you for a Gym battle."

Norman looked down at Mayu, studying her for a moment before responding. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, young Trainer. However, I have a rule. To challenge me, a Trainer must first earn four Hoenn Badges from other Gym Leaders."

Mayu's expression showed a hint of disappointment, but she understood the importance of Gym Leaders maintaining standards for challenges. "I understand, Norman. I'll earn those badges and come back stronger."

Norman nodded, a hint of a smile on his face. "I look forward to that day. Remember, the journey of a Trainer is filled with challenges and growth. Embrace every moment."

The deafening sound of the explosion echoed through Petalburg City, sending a wave of concern through the gathered crowd. Smoke billowed in the distance, its dark plumes visible even from the city's center.

Norman's face tightened with worry as he turned to the group. "That explosion came from the direction of Oldale Town. I must investigate this immediately." His gaze settled on the young trainers. "Kids, this could be dangerous. I need you to stay out of this and remain here in Petalburg."

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