Chapter 2. Memory

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  After Draco left Kassandra couldn't sleep. All that happened seemed like a dream to her. She couldn't imagine how she would cross the shold of Malfoy Manor, meet face to face with the person whom she didn't want to see ever again. She tossed and turned from side to side and scolded herself.

    'Congrats, Jones. You fucked up again because of your stupid kindness' she thought irritated.

    Laying in bed, she remembered the first time she  met elder Malfoy.


  "It was their third year at Hogwarts. On this day Draco hurted Kassandra and her friends Hermione and Luna like he used to.

  "Hey, mudblood, where do you go?" he said mockingly.

  Kassandra felt like her blood was boiling from anger.

  "Hermi, do you wanna me to kick his ass?" she asked loudly looking at arrogant blonde without any fear.

  "Hey, shaggy hag, shut up. Your turn will come" Draco said laughing.

  His friends Crabb and Goyle started laughing, which made the little witch even more angry. Kassandra shook her curly hair furiously, getting ready to beat Malfoy.

  "Kass, now be off with them! Don't pay your attention. Let's go" Hermione said looking at Malfoy hatefully.

  "Hurry up to the library. Maybe your Potter will feel sorry for you?" Draco continued with a smirk.

  Hermione grabbed Kassandra's hand and led her to the Gryffindor common room. Kass was about to kick Malfoy's ass.

  Malfoy continued bullying girls at the Great Hall, then at the stadium. As a result Kassandra coludn't help from kicking his ass. He started whinning and ran to claim to Albus. They both were called to Headmaster's office and Kassandra was scolded.

  "Ms Jones, it's inappropriate behaviour for the student of Hogwarts. You disgrace the honor of your house and our school. Minus twenty points to Gryffindor" Dumbledore said looking at Kassandra strictly out of his glasses.

  "I've just defeated myself!" she said frowning her eyebrows.

  "You'll tell it to my father, little..." Draco started speaking.

  "No insults, Draco" Albus interrupted him.

  Draco fell silent looking at Kassandra with hate.

  "Apologize. And promise you'won't act like this anymore" Albus said to Kassandra strictly.

  'Should I apologize? Well, thanks' she thought in outrage.

  Dumbledore looked at her judging because he read her mind.

  'Oh, well, I forgot about legillimence' she thought.

  "I won't act like this anymore. If he won't get me and my friends" Kassandra said. "I won't apologize. He provoked me. There are a lot of whitnesses."

  "Nevertheless. Fighting isn't the right way to solve the problem. You could tell me" Dumbledore said.

  "Sneaking? No way! I'm not like someone. If he leaves me alone I won't touch him. I'm not justifying myself but I have no other choice, Sir" she said.

  "Of course, you wouldn't touch him" she heard a cold man's voice behind her back.

  The girl turned around. A tall arrogant man with platinum blonde hair wearing black clothes was looking at her from top to bottom. He drilled the girl with his icy cold grey eyes. Kassandra recognised him. It was Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father. But he didn't intimidate the young Gruffindor.

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