Chapter 31. Serious Conversation

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  Kass came back to her place full of joy and euphoria. It seems all the world around got brighter and more colourful. The girl was standing in her living room looking around. Something was missing there. It hit her. Christmas was close and she doesn't have any decorations or Christmas tree.

  "I should fix that" Kass said to herself.

  " Who are you talking with?" Ester said coming downstairs from the first floor.

"Just thinking out loud" Kass replied. "I was thinking that there isn't Christmas spirit in my house. I should do something with that."

"Agree" Ester supported. "Let's go and buy a Christmas tree and toys tomorrow. And deers with Santa. And something else."

 Her eyes sparkled in anticipation of the holiday. Kass watched her friend in cuteness. Ester was happy like a child waiting for the miracle.

"Ester, did anybody tell you you're extremely cute?" Kass asked smiling.

"Yeah, I'm the cuteness itself" Ester replied batting her lashes.

"And modesty itself" Kass added.

Girls started laughing.

"Listen, why should we wait till tomorrow? I didn't use to the fact we can do magic. Maybe we can decorate the house with the help of magic?" Ester asked in excitement.

"I don't know" Kass pretended she has doubts. "You can try if you want. I trust your taste."

"No way. You know everything" Ester replied. "Ok, I'll try. I wish professor Snape was here now. I wish him to see my progress, if I have a sucsess."

"Or he would tear you down if you screw up" Kass said jokingly.

"You're a bitch, Jones" Ester said and showed her tongue.

  Kass sent her an air kiss. Ester just smiled. Like true friends, they often made jokes on each other and they've never offended.

"And now to the deal" Ester said seriously.

"Come on, my friend. I believe in you" Kass supported.

  Ester stood in the middle of the living room. She squinted. She imagined in a very realistic way which decorations should appear in the room. She waved her hand and the living room transformed. Colourful lights appeared under the ceiling along the walls colourful lights. A golden candlestick decorated with Christmas wreath appeared on the fireplace. A wonderful high Christmas tree appeared in the middle. The tree was decorated with glass toys of various shapes and colours, sweets, beautiful tinsel and beads. Under the tree there were figures of Santa, dwarfs and raindeers. Over the tree Ester made a slight snow which was falling non-stop.

 Kass looked at her living room with her jaw dropped.

"Wow! I didn't excpect everything to be so ideal. Even Snape won't have anything to complain about" Kass said in awe.

"Why do you have to mention Snape all the time?" Ester said blushing. "I didn't excpect myself I'll get any result."

"You see, the main thing is to believe in yourself. Now we'll olrganize a Christmas party. I'll invite my parents and Lucius with his family. By the way, we should invite Snape too. I'm sure he will be alone like always. And I wish I could invite my friends if we didn't fall out" Kass said.

 She became a bit sad remembering hermione, Harry and Ron. After all, she missed her friends.

 "Speaking of friends. Tomorrow in the morning me and Lucius will go to my parents. In the evening I invited Luna. I'm sure you'll get along with her" Kass added.

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