Chapter 28. Good News

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  Kass opened her eyes. She felt peaceful sniffing of sleeping Lucius by her side. 

  'He's so sweet' she thought.

 Kass smiled at her thoughts. Lucius sighed in his sleep and hugged her tighter. Kass suddenly got up quickly getting rid of his embraces. Lucius opened his eyes.

  "What happened?" he asked worriedly.

  "Ester! I left her alone at Snape's house yeaterday" Kass replied. "I need to check on her. Maybe she went back home."

  "Kass you left your friend not alone, she is with Snape. I'm sure nothing happens to her. Don't worry" Lucius said. "Come here. Let's sleep a little more."

 "Nevertheless, it's wrong. I left my friend in the alien house. What was I thinking about?" Kass said.

 Lucius smiled.

  "It's all about you, Kass. You always worry about others. Calm down, everything will be fine with your Ester. She's a big girl. And I'm sure: she's completely safe with Snape. Let's do the following. Now you stop screw yourself up and we go back to sleep. In the morning after breakfast we'll go to Severus and you make sure I'm right. How's this plan to you?" he said.

   Lucius was looking at Kass, arching his eyebrow in his manner. Kass smirked looking at his face.

  "What's so funny?" Lucius interested.

  "Well, just with this face expression you remind me of...Whatever. I'll agree with your plan. If you trust Severus, I trust him too" Kass replied.

  "Well, well. Wait, whom do I remind you off? Come on, finish your sentence" Lucius said.

  "Doesn't matter. Let's sleep" Kass said.

  Kass leaned to Lucius and wanted to kiss him. But he stopped her putting his fonger to her lips.

  "No way. You should say your phrase to the end" he demanded.

  "Ok. You wanted it yourself. You remind me of peacock" Kass said and bursted from laughing.

  "Is it so? And why peacock?" Lucius continued.

  "So important and "fluffing up" your tail" Kass replied.

  "Oh, so? You're making fun of me, little brat? Wait, I'll teach you a lesson" Lucius said.

  He turned Kass on her back and started tickling her sides.

  "Lucius...stop it" Kass squeaked laughing. "You know I'm ticklish."

  "Yes, I know. But you brought it to youself. That'll teach you how to compare me with a peacock" Lucius said laughing and tickling Kass.

  "Ok-ok. Stop. I realized my mistake. I truly contrite" Kass said laughing.

  Lucius stopped for a secong, hanging over Kass and holding her hands above her head.

  "Are you sure you contrite? Or should I go on?" he asked.

  "I truly contrite" Kass said dramatically.

  "Promise you won't compare me to birds" Lucius said looking at her eyes and pretending he was serious.

  "I swear" Kass smirked.

  Lucius stared at her lips.

  "Marry me, Kass" he whispered.

  "I agree" Kass replied confidently.

  Lucius covered her lips with a kiss. He felt himself the happiest man on the Earth.

Suddenly Kass's face turned serious.

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