Chapter 24. On the Way to Changes

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  Kass left the department store holding bags. She sat into a taxi and called the address. The car drove her to the big block of flats made of grey brick. It was within a few blocks of the department store. 

 Kass looked at the building. There were lots of appartments with small balconies. There were pots with flowers at some of them.

  "Looks not bad" Kass said quietly.

  The taxi driver helped Kass to take her things off the trunk. Kass took her bags and entered the glass door to the entry. A woman in her sixties met her there. She was sitting behing the glass partition. When the woman saw Kass, she looked at the girl over her round glasses.

  "Good afternoon. Where are you going?" the woman asked politely but strictly.

  "I go...home. To the flat 919" Kass replied.

  "Ester lives at 919. But I don't remember You" the woman said suspiciously.

  "Right. I'm going to Ester's place. She gave me the keys" Kass said, showing the keys to the concierge.

   The strict woman looked at Kass with more suspicion.

  "Wait a minute. I'm gonna call Ester to make sure you're telling the truth" the woman said.

  "Sure" Kass replied.

The woman took a cell phone and called the number.

  "Hello, Ester. Here is unknown girl. She claims you gave her your keys and now she's going to live with you. Is it true?" she asked.

 When the woman heard the answer, she softened.

"Well. But you had to warn me in advance...well, okay, that happens. Bye, Ester" she said.

  "Ok. Everything is clear now. Why didn't you tell me that you're Ester's cousin?" the woman asked with a smile "I'm Mrs.Smith, a concierge of this house."

  "I'm Kassandra. I got lost and didn't say to you" Kass got out of the situaion.

  "It's ok, Kassandra. The main thing is that everything is clear now. Come in, please. Your floor is 8" Mrs Smith replied.

  "Thank you, Mrs.Smith.Have a good day" Kass said and went to an elevator.

  "Well, now I need to press the button" Kass instructed herself and pressed the elevator call button.

  She watched the numbers which were running on the display above the door. It was the first time Kass saw an elevator. It was interesting and unusual. Numbers stopped flashing and the door in the wall opened. Kass waited a moment and entered the door.

  "Weirdo" Mrs Smith said watching Kass.

  Kass entered the elevator and looked at buttons on the wall.

  "Well, now press the 9" Kass said and pressed the button.

  The elevator started moving. In a couple of seconds the door opened and Kass went out.

  "It's like apparation. But slower" Kass said.

  She stopped in front of a black iron door. She wanted to say "Alohomora" to open the door like she used to. But it was too risky. Mugles could notice her. That's why she took the keys and opened the lock.

 Kass entered the appartment and came to the grey and green hall. There was a soft dark green ottoman near the door. The walls were light grey. This somehow reminded Kass of Slytherin. 

 Kass went futher and entered the living room. Everything was in light colours and red wood here. In the middle there was a big cream colour sofa with a coffee table in front of it. Near the wall opposite there was a big bollard with fancy figurines. A big TV was hanging on the wall above. Kass knew that muggles watch movies and shows on TV.

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