Chapter 14. Changes

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 Kass and Lucius spent the next two days together. They almost didn't leave the bedroom, only to have some food or walk in the garden for a bit. It seemed they couldn't have enough of each other. It was like euphoria. Everything was like a dream and they didn't want to wake up.

 This morning Kass woke up earlier than Lucius. She was looking at peasfully sleeping man and thinking about how he has changed in just one week. Kass also felt like she became a different person. It seemed she's been sleeping before, and now Lucius woke her up, making her feel herself loved and wanted. She felt sorry it couldn't last forever. Soon or later they'll have to face tough reality behind Malfoy Manor. They'll have to tell Draco about their relationships. Then friends and society will find out. But Kass didn't care much until Lucius stayed next to her. She sincerely hoped that their stormy affair won't be just a passing fad for him. Now Kass understood, that if this happens and she loose Lucius, she won't be able to love anyone like she loved him. It was so rapidly and unexpected. It was like an alavance or red-hot lava which escaped from the vent. She liked it and at the same time it was scary. She has never felt anything like this before.

  Lucius moved and hugged her tighter.

  "Good morning, Princess" he said opening his eye.s "You almost make me  confused when you look at me like this."

  Kass smirked.

  "I didn't realize there's something that can confuse you" she said.

  "I said "almost". It doesn't count" Malfoy said with a grin. "Well, why are you looking at me like this?"

  "I don't know. I just want to. I think that's because I love you, Lucius" Kass said.

 The last phrase came from her lips almost unvoluntary. Her sincere and simple confession made Lucius feel warm and comfortable. He hugged her tighter and smiled.

  "I didn't think I'll tell this to someone. But I think I love you too, Kass" he said.

  Kass gently touched Lucius's lips with her lips.

  "Is it just seems?" she asked slyly. "Well, illusions always end."

  "If it's an illusion, I wish it would never end" Lucius said with a smile.

  He noticed anxious expression in her eyes.

  "Kass, what bothers you? I see that" he said.

  Kass shook her head. Lucius became serious.

  "Kassandra, I'll ask you about one thing: don't lie to me and don't hide anything from me. I can't stand this" he said.

  "I was just thinking about what will happen when Draco finds out about us. I don't think he would be happy" she said. "And I'll never lie to you. I hate lying."

 "Draco is an adult. I think he'll understand everything. Don't worry, I'll have a talk with my son. But it's not the only think you worry about, isn't it?" Lucius said looking into her eyes and waiting for her answer.

 "Honestly saying, I was thinking about reaction of my friends and family. And we won't avoid gossips. Do you understand this?" Kass replied.

 "Kass, I don't care about the opinion of society for a long time. I think you understand this. Or do you afraid yourself?" Lucius said worriedly.

 "I'm not afraid. Until you're next to me" she confessed. "I'm afraid only the one thing. I'm afraid that our relationships will be just a passion fad for you."

 Lucius wrinkled in disgust.

 "Kass, how could you think like this?" he asked.

 "It just seems to me, that we are in a surrealistic dream. Everything is too fast. And too ideal. I'm afraid to wakeup and stay alone again" Kass said.

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