Chapter 26. Unexpected visit

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                                                                            Three months later

  Three months passed since Kass has been living around muggles. She felt like home in the world of people, she even liked it. She learned how to use muggles' machines and facilities. It turned out that it's possible to live without magic. Kass missed magic but she couldn't use it there. Any magic leaves a mark. And she can be found. She didn't want it at all.

  Kass's life was overshadowed with the thoughts about her argue with father and with friends. And Lucius. She couldn't get him out of her head. She held on during the day and didn't tell anything to Ester. But at night she often cried into her pillow. Ester has heard this. But she was a polite girl and didn't stir her soul. She decided Kass will tell everything if she wants to.

  Kass with her weirdness amused Ester. She wanted to know this girl closer. But every time Ester asked something, Kass used to say her life isn't something unusual. Indeed Kass couldn't and didn't want to lie. She couldn't tell about magic world. Firstly, it's forbidden. Secondly, Ester would think she's crazy when she hears stories about magic and magicians.

  This evening Kass has coming back home from work. Today it was the end of her probation and she did everything brilliantly. Muggle's meds turned to be easier than potions. And due to her intuition Kass gave great advice to clients. As a result Chemist's income grew and they suggested Kass a permanent job without hesistations. So she was in a happy mood today. The surroundings fitted her mood: streets have been already decorated with colourful lights and tinsels for the coming Christmas. Everywhere there were lighting raindeers, snowmen and Santas. Small snowflakes were fallen from the sky and melted.

  Kass headed to the department store where Ester worked. The store was on her way from work, so girls arranged meeting here and buy some food to celebrate the end of Kass's probation. Ester was waiting for Kass at the street. Girls met, bought everything they needed and were about to go home.

  "You go, and I'll go to the cash machine to get some cash" Kass said.

  "Ok. See you at home" Ester replied.

  Kass stopped in front of the cash machine, took her credit card and got some cash.

  "I've never used this muggles' things" she heard a voice behind her back.

  Kass turned around in surprise. She saw a familiar figure wearing a black mantle. It was a Potion Master Severus Snape.

  "Professor Snape? What are you doing here?" Kass asked in confusion.

  "Ms. Jones. I came to You" Severus said.

  "To me? did you find me? And why do you need me?" Kass asked in surprise.

  "Can we have a talk? I'll tell everything" Severus replied.

  "Ok. Let's go to my place" Kass said.

  "Let me help You" Severus said.

  Before Kass objected, Snape took her bag with grocery. By the way, she wasn't against it. She was still shocked by unexpected appearance of professor Snape. Her witch intuition told her it was for a reason.
  They reached the apartment and Kass pressed the doorbell. Ester opened the door wearing just a T-shirt and no pants. Snape gave her a sceptical look.

  "Oh, hi...Kass you should warn me you're going to come not alone" Ester outraged and moved to her room quickly.

  "I didn't know" Kass said. "Professor, come in, sit down, please."

  She invited Severus to the living room. They sat on the sofa.

  "Well, why are you here?" Kass asked again "Anything happened?"

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