Chapter 20. Injustice

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  Kass came back home. She was sad with her best friends who didn't give her any chance to explain everything. On the other hand, she could understand their feelings. What would she do if Ginny, for example, tells her about her romance with Lucius or Draco? But they should think about the fact that Kass won't have relationships with someone bad. 

 Kass's head was full of hundreds of thoughts. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Now she wanted to hug Lucius and calm down in his arms. But she didn't want Lucius to see her like this.

  Kass went to the kitchen and took a bottle of fire whiskey she kept in case if her parents visit her. There also was a pack of cigarettes. When Kass has the strongest depression she used to smoke a lot. Now this pack was lying here as a reminder about things she shouldn't do. Kass poured fire whiseky into the glass and drankit in one gulp. Brown liquid burnt her throat. She coughed. She took a cigarette from the pack and looked at it. Then she broke it and threw into the junk box together with the whole pack. She put fire whiskey on their place.

  'Getting drunk and smoking isn't a solution. Put yourself together, Jones. You have a job interview tomorrow' she thought.

  Kass calmed down a bit, took a shower and laid to bed, trying not to think about her quarrel with friends. Instead she started thinking of Lucius and about Luna who was the only one, who didn't attack her. Kass laid about twenty minutes but she couldn't sleep. Besides she felt a terrible headache. Kass got up, took a potion for headache and went back to the bed. In a couple of minutes she felt better and fell asleep.


  A shining sunbeam woke Kass up.

  "Idiot. Forgot to close curtains" she said.

  It seemed she just closed her eyes. And now she has to get up. Her head was heavy. That happens every time she got stress. This started after the Hogwarts battle together with nightmares.

  Kass sighed and opened the drawer with potions. Luckily, she managed to find the potions she needed. She drank them, did her morning routine and went down to the kitchen. She made herself to have a breakfast and a cup of tea. Eitherway she won't feel better. After breakfast she went upstairs to her bedroom and dressed up. She dressed a bright blue suit with trousers and black silk blouse, elegand black heels. She combed her long hair into a bun. A little makeup, red lipstick and she looked wonderful.

  "It's better, Jones" she told to her reflection in the mirror.

  Kass took a little black bag and apparated to the chemist's where she supposed to have a job interview. She landed in front of the building and entered the glass door. A woman in her fifties was standing at the counter. She met Kass with a smile.

  "Good afternoon. How can I help you?" the woman asked.

  "Hello. I'm Kassandra Jones. I came to the job interview with Madame Klark" Kass said.

  The woman's face expression has changed in one moment. Smile disappeared from her face. She looked at Kass with disapproval.

  "I'm Madame Klark. I'm afraid, I have to refuse you" she said.

  Kass looked at her in misunderstanding.

  "Why? Don't you need a pharmacist anymore?" she asked.

  "I do. But the deal is not in this" the woman said. "You're the girl from "Daily Prophet", aren't you? This article about Lucius Malfoy was about you?" the woman asked.

  "Yes. But you know we shouldn't believe everything written in newspapers" Kass said.

  "Sure. But my chemist's is a respactable establishment. I care about my flawless reputation and can't hire a person whose moral principles questioned" the woman replied.

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