Chapter 23. In the World of Muggles

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  Kass apparated home. She wanted to get out  far away from this world where nothing left but offence and lies. Now her heart was so empty, that she just wanted to disappear, melt away in the air just stop feeling this pain. She hoped Lucius will be the lifeline that would help her to survive in the deep abyss of despair. But he became the stone that weighted her deep down. He broke her heart into pieces again.

  'It's time to do what I wanted and left to the muggle's world' she thought.

 The only person Kass still trusted was Luna. She decided to say goodbye to her friend before she leaves the magic world. Kass wrote the letter to Luna and invited her to her place in two hours. She called her owl, tied the parchment to the bird's leg and sent her to Luna.

 Kass calmed down a bit and got herself together. She made a cherry pie for Luna and made a herbal tea. In two hours the door bell rang. Kass opened the door. Luna was standing there as she thought.

 "Don't you use fireplace essentially?" Kass said, hugging her friend.

  "Fireplace is so boring. Walking and being with nature is quite another matter " Luna answered in her dreamy manner. " How are you, Kass? You're white as a sheet."

  "I'll tell you. Come in" Kass said inviting Luna to the living room, where the coffee table was already served.

   Luna sat herself on the sofa, Kass sat next to her. A porcelain teapot soared in the air from the table and poured Luna's favourite mint tea into two cups. Two pieces cut from the cherry pie and laid on two plates. Cups and plates stood themselves next to Luna and Kass. Luna took a bite of the pie.

  "Your pie is marvellous as usual" she said.

  "Awesome. You'll take the rest with you. There will be no one to eat it there" Kass asswered.

  Luna's eyes widened in misunderstanding.

  "Why is that? Don't say you and Lucius are keping diet" Luna said.

  When Luna mentioned Lucius, Kass wanted to cry again. She turned away quickly holding herself.

    "Sorry, did I say something wrong?" Luna asked.

Kass made herself smile a bit.

  "No, Luna. It's not your fault. I invited you to say goodbye. We separated with Lucius. I've decided to leave to muggles' world, as I've planned some time ago.

  Luna looked at Kass with sympathy. She put her cup aside and moved closer to Kass, taking her hands.

  "Kass, it's unexpected. Out of the blue. Did you separate? Why? Did he cheat on you?" she said.

  "He'd better cheated. Everything is much worse than that. He lied to me, Luna. Lucius came to my place yesterday and spent a night there. In the morning my parents came. Lucius had a talk with my father. Father promoted our separation. And Lucius instead of saying about this honestly just told tons of bullshit to me. He called me to his manor in the evening. He told that I won't be happy with him and I'll regret about our relationships. Nonsence" Kass said sadly. "In my turn I've demanded him to pay me for my job and his treatment. And I left. Naturally I didn't take the money" Kass said.

  Luna has been listening to Kass, holding her hand.

  "And that's why you've decided to leave" Luna said dreamy. "I would like to tell you you leave me and that's not what friends do. But it would be too selfish. I hope I'll see you one day. If you wouldn't like muggles' world you can always come back. I will be really happy. And if you like it, I'll be happy for you too. Maybe you'll invite me to visit you one day. It will be interesting to see how those who don't use any magic live. The main thing you shouldn't forget is you always have me. And please, try to forgive your father. Parents want only the best for us" Luna said.

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