Chapter 11. Nice evening

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 Kass and Lucius chatted easilly, forgetting about everything. They felt free and happy like never. It was like there wasn't anything on this world but they two and picturesque lake banks. They didn't notice it was almost evenig.

 "Wow, we've overstayed. You have to take your potions soon" Kass said.

 Lucius wrinkled looking at her grumpy.

 "Kassandra Jones. Why do you need to spoil such a wonderful moment with reminding about damn potions? I'm sick and tired of them" he said.

 "I understand. Be patient. There's only a little left to wait. A couple of days - and you won't need potions anymore" Kass replied.

  She smiled to Lucius brightly. He felt unusual warmth in his soul. Suddenly Lucius's face expression changed. He looked into eyes of the young wizard. In his usually cold grey eyes  sadness appeared.

 "Anything wrong?" Kass asked in surprise, giving him a questioning look.

  Lucius was like he came to his sences. His face was arrogant again. But he couldn't hide his real feelings in his eyes.

  "No. What happened?" Lucius replied.

 "Nothing. It seemed to me that you were sad. But I was wrong I guess" she said.

 Kass understood that Lucius didn't tell her something. But she decided not to break into his soul if he doesn't want that.

 "No, everything is fine" Lucius said. "Let's go home."

 "Lucius, let's walk. I don't want to apparate" Kass suggested.

  Lucius agreed. Honestly saying, he wanted to be with her alone as long as it possible, far away from the real world. Like nobody else exists but they. He felt calm and easy with her.

  The man and the girl walked along the path, surrounded by green trees, to Malfoy Manor. They went close to each other absorbed their own thiughts. Their hands almost touched.

 Lucius was lying when he told Kass everything is fine. Indeed the thought of last days came to his mind again.

  Lucius was thinking about Kass will leave Malfoy Manor soon. And his life will turn into a range of gloomy grey days and dark nights again. A house which was alive for a moment will absorb into the darkness. It made him sad.Cold nobleman didn't notice when he attached to the sassy young Gryffindor. He couldn't imagine, that he won't hear her notations and barbs anymore, that he won't hear her laugh. And he couldn't inhale her heady cherry smell. Of course, she'll leave and be happy. For Lucius Kass will always stay the light memory.

  Kass was thinking too. She was thinking about the last phrase Lucius said. He said "home" and mentioned Malfoy Manor. For Kass it was unusual to call Manor home. But within the time of her staying there this place doesn't seem cold and alien, like it was during the first days. Kass used to these gloomy hallways with always grumpy portraits of Malfoy family members. She used to the huge laboratory and even remade a working zone a bit like she wanted. To her surprise Lucius allowed her doing this without any barbs. She used to her bedroom with a huge bed, to the large bathroom. Bathroom became her favourite place. She was spotted here relaxing in fragrant lavender foam and sometimes giving pleasure to herself. The thought that she'll have to leave this house soon now made her sad. Kass got used even to Lucius's barbs and with his unbearable character. Yeah, she'll miss that in her daily routine.

 These thoughts made her smile sadly and dreamy. Lucius noticed her mood swing.

  "What are you thinking about?" he asked.

  "Nevermind. Just reminded one thing. Nothing" Kass said, looking down.

   Lucius didn't ask more questions. All the rest way to Malfoy Manor they went in silence.

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