Chapter 15. Bad acting

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  "Good morning" Kass said with a smile, hiding her anxiety.

 She unvoluntary blushed. She felt uncomfortable in front of Draco. It seemed he understood everything that happened between her and Lucius with only one simple look.

  "Morning, Kass. Did you sleep well?" Lucius asked.

  Draco's face fell. It seemed to him he was in a dream. His father cared about someone besides himself? No way, it's impossible.

  "Kass, what have you done with my father?" Draco asked in surprise.

  Kass gulped and looked at him.

  "What do you mean?" she asked.

  'Did he suspect anything?' she thought.

  As soon as she thought that, a wide grin appeared at Lucius's face. Kass pretended she didn't notice this small provocation.

  "Dad is shining. I have an impression you've changed him to someone else" Draco said with a smile. "What do you treat him with?"

  Kass cleared her throat and took a sip of water.

  "I did nothing. I treat your father with usual potions" she answered.

  "Why are you so tensed?" Draco said. "You did something, I'm sure. Open me the secret, what was that? If it's some potion, I'd like to buy it for Astoria."

  "Buy it for yourself" Kassandra said with a smile.

  "Come on. Let's just have a breakfast" Lucius said with his usual grumpy tone.

  "Now it's you" Draco said.

  Lucius smirked raising his eyebrow and looking at his son.

  Kass exhaled. It seemed to her that if Draco ask one more question, he'll find out the truth about them. She wasn't afraid. But she didn't want any scandals right now. It won't be good for Lucius. He just began going back to his normal condition.

  "How's Astoria? Does she feel well?" Kass asked changing the subject.

  "Astoria is all right. Your potion helped her with her migraines. Thank you" Draco said.

  "I'm glad I could help" Kass answered with a smile.

  "By the way, you could visit me together with your wife and my grandson" Lucius said unexpectedly. "I want to see Scorpius."

  Draco looked at his father in astonishment. Lucius had always loved his grandson despite of his nasty character. But he wasn't enthusiastic about Astoria's presence in Malfoy Manor and he didn't hide that fact.

  "I thought you won't wish guests now. You and mum had divorced. And you're not in your best condition" Draco said.

  "Nonsense. I wanna see my grandson" Malfoy replied.

  "All right. We'll come to you. Next week maybe? What about Saturday?" Draco asked.

  "Saturday. Perfect. I won't make any plans for the next Saturday" Lucius said with a smile.

  "Brilliant. We can make a picnic in the garden" Draco suggested.

  "Awesome" Lucius said.

  Kass felt she was the odd one out at the table. Lucius and Draco discussed family issues while she was sitting twirling her dress under the table. And this damn anxiety in front of Draco didn't leave her. She needed to leave this room immediately. She stood up from her chair.

  "Are you leaving us?" Lucius asked.

  "I'll bring your potions. I'll be back now" Kass answered quickly.

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