Chapter 13. Innermost

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  At night Kass woke up in Lucius's arms.

  'I can't believe it's true' she thought.

  She didn't believe what was happening. Just a week ago she couldn't even think about something between her and Malfoy. Moreover, she believed Lucius was her enemy. And now they're naked and share the same bed. It seemed unreal and unbelievable. In Lucius's embrace Kass felt warm and comfortable, forgetting everything that happened in the past.

  Kass thought, how Lucius has changed within such a short time they've lived under the same roof. It turns out his arrogance, coldness and snobbery were just a mask to defeat himself. She thought Lucius from the opposite side. Of course, his character wasn't sugar. He's an awful snob and stubborn. He tries to show himself as arrogant and indifferent, but he can be really caring and understanding. Talking to him is funny, interesting and surprisingly easy. Kass smiled at this thought. She carefully kissed Lucius's chest. He hugghed her tighter, smiling in his sleep. She put her head on his chest and fell asleep again.

 In her dream Kassandra saw herself walking at Hogwarts's yard with Hermione and Luna. The weather was nice, like it was spring. The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky. Girls were laughing and joking. But everything has changed suddenly. The blue sky became almost black from suddenly appeared clouds. They wasn't just rainy clouds, they were black volumes of smoke. From this smoke people wearing black clothes appeared. Masks covered their faces. Kass realized they were Death Eaters. She felt anxiety hugging her friends. They stood at one place unable to move.

 The picture changed sharply. Now all the Hogwarts was on fire. A black cloud of fume formed around Kass. She couldn't breathe. She heard screams of people throwing curses at each other. She saw the burning walls of the castle have been ruining. She saw the death of her nearest and dearest. She desperately tried to move and grab her wand, but without sucsess. Suddenly her friends disappeared in black fume. Through the fume she heard a bone-chilling voice she wished she could forget forever.

  "That's all. Now you're all alone, Kassandra. Nobody helps you."

  She saw a man going out of the black fume. In fact it was something that was a man someday. He wore a long black mantle. His face without nose was more like a skull. Grey skin like he was dead. And burning yellow eyes with snake like pupils. This was Volan De Mort. He approached Kass with dreadful smile and he extended his skinny hand with long sharp nails to her.

 "Your time comes, Kassandra. It's time to join your friends" he said.

 Kass was trying to scream something but no word could come from her throat.

 "Kassandra...Kassandra" she heard the voice somewhere far away.

 Suddenly the picture in front of her eyes began shaking.

 Kass woke up meeting grey eyes looking at her worriedly.

 "Kass, wake up."

 She saw Lucius leaning over her. He carefully shook her shoulders trying to wake her up.

 "L...Lucius" she murmured.

 "Finally you woke up. You scared me to death" Lucius said confused.

 "Sorry. It hasn't happen for a long time" Kass said.

 "You don't have to sorry. What did you dream about?" Lucius asked.

 He took her hands caressing her and looking into her eyes.

 "I saw Hogwarts Battle again" she said sadly. "I've heard screams of my dying friends again. And I saw Volan De Mort. He tried to kill me. It was like reality."

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