Chapter 6. Beautiful view

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   Kassandra spent a week at Malfoy Manor. During this time she learnt to ignore Lucius's snobbery and arrogance. Or at least don't react to his provocations. Lucius used to like provoking her. He saw her knitting her eyebrows and wrinkling her nose a bit, trying to hold another sarcastic comment. It seemed funny.

  Malfoy became a little softer. He used to see the girl next to him all the time. Moreover, Kassandra's company stopped burdening him despite of the fact she was ex-Gryffindor. The main word here was GRYFFINDOR.

  The only thing that pissed Lucius off was the fact, that she spoke to house elves with respect, let them call her by name. It was beyond the understanding of pure blood nobleman. In other aspects they got along quite well. If it's possible to get along with Malfoy at all.          
 This morning Kassandra opened curtains at Lucius's bedroom, letting in the bright sunlight. It was nine a.m., and the sun was shining, promising the hot day.

  "Rise and shine, Mr. Malfoy. Today you'll have an eventful day!" she said.

  Lucius opened his eyes slowly, not going to get up.

  "Ms.Jones. What time is it?" he asked grumpy.

  "Nine a.m. Perfect time for getting up and starting a new day" Kassandra replied cheerfully, ignoring his outraged tone she got used to.

  'Are you mocking me?' Lucius thought.

  Kassandra giggled hearing his outrage.

  "I think it's time to see the twenty-fifth dream" Lucius mumbled. "And what's so funny?"

  "Come on. Drink your potions and get up. We'll go outside today" Kassandra informed.

  "Outside? Sounds like a good idea. I'm tired of being cooped up" Lucius replied. "But I don't wanna get up now."

  Lucius really liked the idea of breathing a fresh air. He couldn't do it before because of his bad health. And now, when he began to become stronger, he wanted to inhale free. But his character didn't allow him to agree with Kassandra at once.

  "I'm glad you liked the idea of going for a walk" she said with a smile. "And now your favourite" she said, handing him two bottles with potions he couldn't stand.

  Lucius drank the potions bravely. He decided not to give Kassandra satisfaction of bantering with him again for his grumpy face.

  "Mr. Malfoy. I'm proud of you" Kassandra said.

  "What do you mean?" Lucius asked, raising his eyebrow.

  This simple phrase sounded flattering for his noble ears.

  "Today you didn't even wrinkle" she replied smirking. "Well, I'll take it."

  She took the empty bottles.

  'Nasty person' Lucius thought.

  "Yeah, you're right" Kassandra smirked again.

  "Stop reading my minds! It's inappropriate" Lucius outraged.

  "And you should think quieter" she replied.

  Her note didn't piss him off. Eitherway, he found it funny.

  Kassandra leaned to take empty bottles from the night table near Lucius. She was wearing a silk robe. When she leaned, light gowns of the robe separated exposing the top of her black lace bodice a bit. Lucius shut his eyes trying not to stare and get rid of unexpected thoughts about her slim body.

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