Chapter 30. Family Evening

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  Kass headed to Malfoy Manor to tell Lucius good news about her reconciliation with parents. She felt easy and at ease, like if wings have grown behind her back.  What if her life getting normal at last? This thought brought warmtn to her heart.

 Kass apparated at the living room of Malfoy Manor. Lucius wasn't here. Draco was sitting on the sofa. Her first thought was to turn around and apparate home. But it would be dumb because Draco has already noticed her. He stood up from the sofa looking at her in surprise.

  "Hello, Draco" Kass said staying calm.

She excpected scandal again. But, to her surprise, Draco smiled widely.

  "Hello, Kass. I'm glad you came back" he said.

 Kass was taken aback. She arched her eyebrow.

  "Are you? At our last meeting I thought you've got another opinion about me" she said.

Draco looked down with a guilty expression on his face.

"Kass, I regretted hundred times about what I've said to you. I wanted to apologise, but it was too late. You left in an unknown direction. Sorry if you can" he said.

Kass sat on the sofa next to Draco.

   "What made you change your mind?" she asked looking into his blue eyes.

  "You know, Kass, I'm very hot-tempered, like my father. This damn feature often spoil my and others' live. At the moment I've read that damn article I was so angry with you and dad. Not for you being together. But for you lied to me. You had something when he first called you by your name, haven't you?" Draco said.

 Kass just nodded.

  "So why didn't you tell me everything? Why should we make all this performance?" Draco said with a shadow of offence.

  Kass sighed looking at him.

  "It's my fault. I was afraid of your reaction. I didn't want you to argue with your father. As a result everything turned out even worse than I supposed" she said. "You know, I understand your reaction. I would be outraged in such situation. I hate lies."

  "So do I. But I still shouldn't say what I've said to you. Indeed I've never thought bad about you. It's all was my damn arrogance which has been risen in me from childhood. Old habits die hard" Draco said smirking sadly.

"I understand you very well. I also needed time to put everything on it's places and forged old offences. I'm not mad with you for a long time, Draco. I was really glad when Lucius told me you get along now. Honestly saying, I didn't know how will I meet you after everything. I excpected anything but not your apologise. I forgave you, Draco. Forgive me too for being a coward and making Lucius lie to you" Kass said.

  "Kass, you don't have to apologise. I don't know what could be with father now without you. You saved him and got him back to life. Thank you" Draco replied.

  It was the first time Kass saw Draco so sincere and opened. She was pleasantly surprised by these changes, which seemed impossible.

  "Stop it, you making me blush. Well, peace?" Kass replied.

  "Peace" Draco said with a smile.

  "I'm glad to hear that" Lucius said entering the room.

  Kass turned around, giving Lucius a wide smile. Lucius looked at her with tenderness. His eyes sparkled with happiness.

  "How long have you been staying here?" Kass asked Lucius.

  "I've just came. And just in time" he replied. "Now, when all the misunderstandings have been cleared up, we've got a news, Draco" Lucius said.

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