Chapter 4. Night surprise

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  Kassandra headed to laboratory to brew some potions for Lucius. She passed through the long hal,l lighted with dim candle lights. There was a portrait gallery of Malfoy family's generations. Portraits were sleeping peacefully. When Kassandra passed by, they opened their eyes grumpy and whispered between each other, being angry that someone dares to disturb them.

  "I'm sorry. I really need to go past you" Kassandra said awkwardly and tried to get to the laboratory as quick as she could.

  When Kassandra went down to the basement, she opened a massive wooden door of the Malfoys' laboratory. When she entered, she was amazed by the size of the room. There were so many different things, that it seemed you can find any ingredient ever existed in the world. Of course, what else colud she excpect from Malfoy? Kassandra grinned with this thought. She started making Strengthening Solution, then potion for headache, for insomnia and some more balms and potions.

  'Gee, I'm making potions for Malfoy. Who'd have thought?' she thought.

  A couple of hours later the girl finished making the first potions and went to her room. She was tired a lot, but decided to check on Malfoy.

  She didn't manage to open the door to Lucius's bedroom. The door opened from inside. Lucius was standing right in front of her. Kassandra shuddered in surprise and made a step back. Luscous was standing at one place and didn't move. I looked weird and creepy.

  "Mr. Malfoy. I told you not leave your bed" she said.

  Lucius didn't react to her words. Kassandra looked closer. He looked in front of him into nowhere. His eyes were looking like glass. He jush headed to her room, moving straight.

  "Excellent. All I need are sleepwalkers" she said quietly.

  She can't wake Lucius up now or he could get scared. The only solution was waiting till he come back to his bedroom and not let him leave the room. Kassandra decided act like that.

  Lucius went around Kassandra's room. Then he laid into her bed and fell asleep like nothing happened.

  'Marvellous. That's exactly what I wanted' Kassandra thought sarcastically.

  "Marilyn's beard! Could you fall down on your bed?" Kassandra said.

  Lucius didn't move. Kassandra looked at peacefully sleeping Malfoy.

  "And what am I supposed to do now?" she said and sighed.

  Kassandra looked at Lucius. His exhausted features were still attractive like they used to be. Now he was sleeping and there wasn't his usual disgusting arrogant smirk on his face. Otherwise, he looked calm and relaxed. Yes, Malfoy definetely was attractive.

  "You look good when you're not a peacock, Mr. Malfoy" Kassandra said quietly with a smile.

  Kassandra decided not wake up Lucius. She found the solution for this situation. Without thinking long, she went to his bedroom, leaving the common door opened, and laid down to his bed.

  'I'm laying in Malfoy's bed. That's surrealism' she thought.

  The bed was smelling with wooden and citrus smell of Malfoy's expensive perfume. Kassandra inhaled this pleasant scent unvoluntary. She was tired after the long day and fell asleep quickly.


  In her sleep Kassandra felt someone's gaze. she woke up because of this.

  'Where's my wand??' was her first thought.

  Kassandra opened her eyes and turned her head to the direction of the person, who was looking at her. Lucius was standing right over her, staring with a hard gaze of his cold grey-blue eyes. His eyes glowed with cold glitter in semidarkness of the room. This was magnetic to some extend. First Kassandra thought Malfoy was sleepwalking again.

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