Сhapter 32. Reunion

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  When Kass and Lucius came back from her parents, she insisted on him going to Malfoy Manor. Either way he won't let her get ready for the meeting with friends this evening. She felt anxiety. She couldn't wait to see everyone.
  Kass baked her best cherry pie. There were times when she, Luna, Nevill, Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny used to gather together and have a tea-party with that pie. It was pleasant to remember this old warm and cozy tradition. Special for Ron she made a juicy roasted meat with vegetables. 

"Wow! What a smell! It makes me hungry" Ester said entering the house.

Kass turned around.

"Dinner will be ready soon and guys will arrive. Come here, I need your help" she said.

 Ester joined to the preparations. Though she didn't like cooking, it was fun to do together with friend.

"How's your class? Did Snape torture you a lot?" Kass asked.

"Come on, Kass. He isn't so bad. Though he tries to show that he's as cold as ice. But I see, he's not like that...But that isn't you've asked about. We made a progress. I love learning new things" Ester said.

 She looked down embarassed. She didn't want to tell about her feelings to the grumpy professor.

"Excellent. I'm glad you like your classes. And professor is quite good. You know, I even had a crush on him when I was on my second year at Hogwarts" Kass confessed.

"Are you seriously? Did you like Snape?" Ester asked.

"Yeah. It'a a long story. I got on his nerves a lot. I've exploded cauldrons on purpose. I could get a detention from him this way. Naturally, he guessed that I was doing everything on purpose. He called me to headmaster's Dumbledore office. They scolded me a lot. I was so ashamed" Kass said laughing.

"Terrible. If I were you I'd run away from this school and never come back" Ester said.

"Everything isn't so bad. Snape found out that I've spoiled cauldrons on purpose. But he didn't know about my feelings. Or he was tactful enough and didn't tell anything about this. And then I've started relationships with a boyfriend and forgot this story. It was a lesson for me. From this time I'm trying to think before acting" Kass replied.

"Yeah. Fools like you and me learn from their own mistakes" Ester said with a smirk.

 Meanwhile they finished cooking dinner. Ester waved her hand and  beautifully served table appeared at the dining room.

"I love doing magic" Ester said.

"You're great wizard. You'll learn much more" Kass replied.

Girls prepared the room ant went upstairs to get ready and change clothes.

In the evening the door bell rang. Kass zipped her dress at this moment.

"I'll open" Ester shouted and went downstairs.

 Ester opened the door. She saw a blonde girl with a tall guy, Harry Potter with his wife, Ron and Hermione.

"Good evening. We came to Kassandra" Hermione said taken aback.

"Good evening everybody. Come in, please. My name's Ester. I'm Kass's friend from muggle's world.Kass will come in a minute" Ester said.

"Hi, I'm Hermione" said the girl with curly dark brown hair, straightening her hand to Ester. "It's Ron, my husband."

"Nice to meet you" Ron said.

"I'm Harry" said a guy wearing round glasses. "This is my wife Ginny."

"Hi" Ginny said with a smile.

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