Chapter 5. Healing magic

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 Kassandra woke up early in the morning. After the night talk with Lucius she couldn't sleep. 

  "Why did I even get in touch with him? Stupid" she scolded herself.

 Kassandra felt extremely uncomfortable at alien place and alien bed. It seemed that even walls of Malfoy Manor unbearable pressed on her from all sides, blocking her breath. Most of all she wanted right now to pack her things and leave this gloomy house. But her concious didn't let her break the promise she has given to Draco. Damn promise.

  'By the way, where's Draco? He even didn't bother to show yesterday' she thought.

  The girl sighed and went to the bathroom. She looked into the mirror next to the sink. Slightly swallowed tired face with red eyes was looking at her from the mirror.

  "Wow! You look gorgeous, Jones" she said to her reflection.

  She unwillingly made her morning routine, put hiding spell on her face, made a light makeup and looked at the the mirror to see te results of her job.

  "That's better" she  said satisfying.

  Today Kassandra decided to wear something comfortable. She has chosen black jeans, white shirt, black crop top and white trainers. She left her hair loose.

  Kassandra got dressed, went to the opened door and looked into Lucius's room. He was still asleep.

 She made potions, which Lucius needed for the morning, put them on a tray and entered his bedroom.

  "Mr. Malfoy" she said not very loud. "Wake up."

  "What's that?" Malfoy said grumpy not opening his eyes.

  Kassandra put the tray with potions to the night table next to Lucius's bed.

  "Wake up. You need to drink your potions and then you can sleep as long as you want" Kassandra said.

  "Potions will wait. I wanna sleep" Lucius said, turning on his side.

  "Mr. Malfoy. Don't be a baby. You need to drink potions right now. Otherwise there will be no use of them" she said strictly.

  She touched Malfoy's shoulder trying to turn him face to her.

  "It's impossible" Lucius mumbled opening his eyes lazilly. "All right. Give me your potions."

  Lucius sat on the bed. His features softened with sleep looked cute. Kassandra unvoluntary thought about it and looked aside taking the bottle with potion.

 "Why are you looking at me like that?" Lucius asked arching his eyebrow.

  "I see you woke up" Kassandra said. "Here you are. Drink it."

  The girl poured a dark red liquid inti a spoon and handed it to Lucius. He looked at the spoon with suspicion.

  "Don't be afraid, it's not a poison" Kassandra smirked remembering yesterday's conversation about snake's poison. " Come on, drink it already."

  Lucius drank the potion with grumpy face expression and wrinkled a bit.

  "Just wait. The next one will be even more tasty" Kassandra said, giving him a small bottle with a green potion. "Drink it all."

  Lucius drank the liquid and wrinkled more. Kassandra grinned looking at this picture.

  "Ms. Jones. Have you decided to finish what was unfinished by dementors?" he said.

  "What do you mean?" Kassandra said, giving him a questioning look.

  "You decided to finish me with your nasty potions. Are you sure it's not the poison?" he said.

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