Chapter 21. Foreboding

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  In the morning Kass woke up earlier than Lucius. She smiled looking at sleeping man and admiring his gorgeous features. His face was calm and peaceful. A light smile appeared at the corners of his lips. Maybe he was dreaming about something nice. Kass kissed his lips slightly. Lucius smiled again and turned to his side.

 Kass got up and went downstairs to the kitchen to make a breakfast. She was standing near the gas stove and was about to heat the water for coffee. Suddenly a light noise from the living room reached her ears. It was like a rustle like someone appeared from the fireplace. Kass went there. And she wasn't mistaken. A tall handsome man and a pretty woman with dark curly hair like Kas's were standing in the room.

 "Mum? Dad? Why didn't you warn me about your visit? Is everything all right?" Kass asked worriedly and hugged her parents.

  "That's what we want to know" Kas's father told, looking  at his daughter strictly.

  Mother looked at Kass anxiously.

"What do you mean? I guess I know" Kass said. "Sit down."

  Kass's parents sat down at the sofa. Kass moved the armchair so she could sit opposite both of them.

  "I suppose you've read the article about me and Lucius" Kass said.

  After these words Kass's father's face expression has changed. He threw daggers with his eyes and his jaw clenched.

  "Kass, how could you?" he thundered. "I thought I know you, but you..."

 Kass's mother squeezd her husband's hand, signalling him to calm down. The man didn't continue his phrase. He kept staring at his daughter.

  "Exactly, father. You know me like noone else. And I haven't changed. I'm still the same Kassandra you both have raised" Kass said.

  "But...what they're writing...It's awful" Kass's mother told.

  "Yes, that's awful" Kass answered looking at her parents. "But before judging me let me clear the situation. I don't wanna argue with you. We've been through a lot already."

  Kass's father was thinking for a second.

  "Well, try then" he said a little bit softer.

  "What is written at newspaper is a pure rumour. Dad, you've told that everything written by Rita Skeeter should be divided into three. And that's not the fact it will be true. Do you remember?" Kass said.

  "Let's say" her father agreed. "But there is really something between you and Malfoy, isn't it?"

  "Yes, that's true" Kass replied "But I beg you, listen to me before making conclusions."

  "Andrew, please" her mother pleaded, looking into her husband's eyes, dark-brown like his daughter's eyes.

   She knew that Kass and her father has the same character. Thay both were too stubborn. But she always could find the right way to reconcile these to at their confrontations.

  "Just for you, Martha" Andrew said a little bit softer. "Well, Kass. We're listening to you."

  Kass brushed her hair off her ear.

  "Lucius Malfoy isn't the same he was before the war. He has changed, he became better. And besides, it was proved that during the last years he acted under Imperio. Didn't you hear that?" she said.

  "Let's say. But before he acted by his will. And you can't deny it" Andrew said firmly.

  "I don't deny. But he has redeemed his fault totally. Now he admits he made a lot of mistakes he can't correct now. And he is really sorry about what he has done. Father, I didn't use to believe people can change. Until I saw it with my own eyes. I know, Lucius doesn't lie to me" Kass replied.

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