Chapter 3. Malfoy Manor

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  Next day Kassandra had heebie-jeebies, thinking about crossing the treshold of the place where her school enemie's father lived. Moreover, he was former Death Eater. 

  "Why am I such a fool?" she repeated to herself again and again.

  She believed that Malfoy will never accept the help from Gryffindor student, even ex-student. Moreover, leavig under the same roof with her. This fact made Kassandra happy. Because she will leave without blaming herself for refusing to help someone in need. Now she hated herself for not being able to refuse. Even to such a peacock like Malfoy. Her intuition told her that something will happen. It was unclear, will it be something good or bad.

   'Well, what can be good? It's Malfoy' she thought.

   With such thoughts Kassandra packed her suitcase with different herbs and ingredients for potions. It was a huge case. She could hardly lift it.

  "Wow! What a luggage!" she said looking at her big suitcase on the floor.

  The girl made her case smaller with the help of magic. Now it was like a small purse.

  "That's better" Kassandra said.

  She came to the fireplace and hesistated for a bit. She didn't want to apparate to the gloomy Malfoy Manor. And even less she wanted to meet Malfoys, especially the eldest.

  "Stupid!" she scolded herself when noticed she forgot her wand.

  She came back to the bedroom, took her wand and returned to the fireplace in the living room.

  "Marilyn, what I got myself into?" she said to herself. "Well, ok. I hope they will kick me out at once and I will be absolutely free."

  She calmed down herself, scooped up the flying powder and stepped into the fireplace.

  "Malfoy Manor" Kassandra said.

  Acrid green fume surrounded her. She squeezed her eyes. In a few seconds she felt that she landed. She opened her eyes and went out of the fireplace. She found herself in a gloomy room. There was a big black wooden table in the middle. There were black chairs around the table. She decided it was a living room. The room was dark green and black. Green velvet curtains were closed, creating heavy athmosphere. Kassandra felt uncomfortable when she imagined that meetings of Death Eaters could be held in this room. Maybe Volan de Mort was sitting at this table. What if someone has been executed here? This thought made her shudder.

  'What a happy place' she thought sadly.

  "You are punctual" raspy voice made her flinch.

  She turned around and frozen in place, getting ready to the worst. Her eyes opened wide with surprise. Instead of proud platinum blonde haired man, wearing perfectly sitting suit, healthy and arrogant she saw a very thin man. His face was covered with stubble. He had huge dark circles under his eyes. Only ideal black suit and a cane with a silver snake reminded about formal Lucius Malfoy. And this arrogant face expression she wanted to erase so much.

  "Ms. Jones?" Lucius said raising his eyebrow. "Is that you?"

  'No, it's Salazar Slytherin. Of course, me. Who else?' she thought.

  Lucius arched his eyebrow again looking at Kassandra.

  "G...good evening, Mr Malfoy" she said.

  Kassandra thought, that Draco would meet her. Seing Lucius face to face and one by one was unexpected and caught her out.

  Despite of his state, Lucius was looking at Kassandra arrogantly from head to toes. He looked at her classic black dress with deep but not vulgar neckline, at her neat hair style.

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