Chapter 9. Who wins who?

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  Kass spent all day in her room. Lucius wasn't seen or heard, so she supposed he was still busy with that chick. Or he was busy with something else. She didn't want to go downstairs. Malfoy was the last person she wanted to meet. For sure he wouldn't miss the opportunity to bootstrap about her peeping him.

  'What a mess! Now he'll consider me a voyeur. That's the end' she thought.

  Kass became beet red from shame. In the evening she felt her stomach started to rumble. She was hungry. Kass couldn't make herself to go downstairs, but she understood she couldn't sit in the room forever. At last, Lucius have to take his potions, so their meeting is inevitable.

  She heard a knock at her door.

  "Come in" she said in excitement.

  The door opened. A house elf was standing in front of Kass.

  "Master ordered to call you for dinner, Miss" the elf said politely. "He's waiting for you at the dining room in ten minutes."

  "Thank you, Dobby. I'm coming" Kass replied.

  She got up from the chair, putting her book at the night table. She was about going out when she realized, she was still wearing a silk robe over her naked body.

  'Absolutely brainless!' she thought, slapping her forehead.

  She put on black sleeveless dress, made her makeup with the help of magic and brushed her hair. In ten minutes she went downstairs to the ground floor. When she was close to the dining room, she heard a loud woman's laugh.

  'Damn it! She's still here. Why did he call me?' Kass thought.

  Her first thought was to turn around and get away from here, while they haven't noticed her. She decided to do as she thought. But it was too late. As she turned around Lucius called her.

  "Kassandra, where are you going? We're waiting for you" he said.

  Kassandra put a fake smile on her face and came into the dining room, looking straight into Lucius's eyes. He smirked. Kassandra felt a huge shame and urge to disappear.

  "Good evening" she said politely.

  "Kassandra, let me introduce you Adele" Lucius said smirking.

  Kass looked at the gir,l who was sitting to the right side from Lucius. She's got dark hair and white skin. He looked like Kassandra's sister.

  "Nice to meet you, Adele" Kass said.

  The girl smiled brightly and got up from the chair. Kass wanted to extend her a hand. But instead the girl squeezed her in tight embrace and kissed her cheek.

  "Nice to meet you too" she said.

  Kassandra was quite shocked by this warm greeting. She nodded with a smile and sat at the table opposite Adele. Lucius was watching this picture. She was amused with Kass's reaction.

  "Lucius, now I understand why did you call me Kassandra" Adele said.

  Kassandra almost choked on the water she drank after hearing this. She raised her eyebrow looking at Lucius in confusion.

  "Darling, let's leave the details of our intimate life" Lucius said, hiding his confusion and keeping his arrogant face expression.

  "As you wish, sugar" Adele said. "But it's so cute."

  "What do you mean?" Kass asked.

  "I like people who are in relationships with no boundaries. For example, you react calmly to your man inviting another woman in your house. Moreover we share the same table. It's wonderful" Adele replied.

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