Chapter 27. Together again

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  Ester squinted from unexpectance. When she opened her eyes she saw kass and Severus looking at her.

  "Are you ok?" Kass asked.

  "I'm ok. What was that?" Ester said confused.

  "It's called apparation. We apparated, it means we moved to the magic world" Severus explained. "If You were muggle, you'd feel sick and dizzy. If you're all right, it confirms my words. You're from wizard family, Ester."

  "Well, ok. I understood that" Ester agreed, though she didn't know if she believed in what was happening.

  Ester looked around. She noticed they were standing in front of the fireplace in the unknown house. It seemed they were at the living room.

  "Where are we?" she asked.

  "At my place. At Spider's End" Severus replied.

  "Oh, wow. I've visited the most terrible Professor's of Hogwarts place" Kass said with a smirk.

  Severus smiled a little.

  "By the way, why did we apparate into Your house, not into Malfoy Manor?" Kass asked.

  She had a feeling that Severus concealed something.

  "Professor Snape, what are you thinking of? Tell me! And don't tell, it seems to me" Kass said before Snape told anything.

  "Calm down, Ms. Jones. You should be less nervous, then you'll stop seing something wrong where everythinh is right. You won't go to Malfoy Manor. At least now" Severus replied.

  "Why is it so? You're "going dark", Professor" Kass said suspiciously.

  "Go upstairs to the first floor, please. The first door to the right. Just do like I say and don't argue. Please" Severus said firmly.

  "What for?" Kass persisted, crossing her hands on her chest and looking at Severus grumpy.

  Ester looked at them both with big eyes. It seemed she was in a movie or in a dream.

  "Come on, Miss. Don't be stubborn. Just listen to me" Severus continued.

  Kass took a second. Professor obviously was thinking of something. From the other hand, Severus won't do anything bad. She was sure about that. Let it be. Kass decided to go upstairs and go to Malfoy Manor after that to help Lucius.

  "Ok. I'm going" she said.

  Severus nodded. He and Ester left at the living room. Kass went upstairs to the first floor and opened the first door to the right. She went into the bedroom, decorated in dark colours. Curtains at the big window weren't pulled down and the room was full of moonlight, mixed with the light of candles on the walls. There was a big chair near the window. It stood back to the door.

  As soon as Kass entered the room, the door behind her shutted.

  "What the..." Kass said taken aback.

  A familiar figire stood up from the chair. Kass heart skipped a beat when she saw long platinum hair, shining in the moonlight. A silver cane sparkled in his hand.

  "Kassie?" Lucius said turning around.

  Lucius was standing in front of Kass. And he looked completely healthy.

 "Lucius...What are you doing here? Do you feel good?" Kass said in surprise.

  She felt her palms became sweaty and her blood pulsated in her temples.

  "Yes, I'm all right. Why are you asking? And why are you here?" Lucius asked taken aback. "Did you come back?"

  Kass listened to his velvet voice. Now she understood how much did she miss him.

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