Drunken Thoughts

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I stumbled into the room with the man from the bar, I feel a bit uneasy as I hear the door lock click, I spot another 2 men in the room I was led into, I turn to the man who dragged me here,

"Hey, uh, what's going on?" I managed to say

I was still tipsy from the alcohol but I felt a slight bit of soberness, probably alerted me of the situation, one of the men who were In the room comes up to me and pins me to the wall, I didn't want to get hurt, I knew what to do, obey, not get hurt, tears started to run down my face as the man kisses my neck, the other man grabs rope from the side table and ties my hands together, making my hands go numb, he threw me on the bed and before I managed to scream for help, he pulled a knife out of his pocket,

"Scream and you're dead"

He held the knife to my throat and I panicked, was this it? Was this the last night for me? My eyes started to tear up, the tears streaming down my face before we were interrupted, a knock on the door

"Yo man open the door I need to use the restroom" a man's voice from the hallway

They played it cool and just replied with a

"Sorry can't right now man"

They thought they got away with it just as the man from the other side went silent, but the door was broken through with a thud to the floor, I recognised the people from the other side, it was Tom, Bill, Dani and Laila, Tom punched the men as Bill, Dani, and Laila ran up to me and untied me quickly running me out of the room and sitting me on one of the couch's outside, I was dizzy, my thoughts were all over the place, tears still falling from my eyes as everything became blurry and soon I blacked out.


I rushed into the room with Dani and Laila and lifted May out of the room and sitting her on a couch, untying her wrists, she starts to close her eyes and soon she's blacked out, I panic, along with the two girl's

"MAY?? MAY STAY AWAKE" I scream over the loud music

I make sure to check her pulse, she's fine, just passed out, I feel horrible, poor girl was just trying to celebrate.

Tom comes rushing out of the room with his knuckles bloody and a slight cut on his lip, he looks at me, then May and rushes over

"SHIT, IS MAY OKAY?" He shouts as he lifts her head up stroking her cheek softly,

"Yeah she just passed out"

He sighed in relief, we are lucky he's became so protective over her, otherwise who would've known what would happen.

Tom carries May out of the club, I drive to her house, before we left the club I grabbed the boys, they didn't know what was going on still so I would have to explain when we got there, but Georg was just worried on why his sister was passed out and why Tom was all bloody.

Tom carries May into the living room and places her down on the couch, placing a small blanket over her and soft pillows under her head, Georg and Gustav look at us with pure confusion,

"Okay what the fuck is going on?"

Georg looks at me and Tom,


Gustav adds on, we sit down and gesture for them to sit too, we explained everything and Georg tears up a bit, to know his sister was in that kind of danger, again, it was painful.



I start to open my eyes, a pounding headache hits me, I slowly try to sit up, I realise I was on the couch, and I look up, my head was resting on Tom's lap, I smile, I sit up fully and see that all of the boys slept on the couch last night, I walk to the bathroom as it hits me, the occurrences from last night, I look at myself in the mirror, as I start to tear up, 'again? Why? why is it always me, what's wrong with me?' I thought, tears getting heavier and streaming down my cheeks, just as someone knocked, I quickly cleaned my tears up,

"Um yeah?" I said with a shaky voice

"It's Bill, are you okay May? I heard crying?"

I opened the door and just hugged him, letting all of my tears out, he was shook from the sudden hug, but just hugged me back, I needed comfort right now, and I trusted Bill so much right at this moment.


May suddenly hugged me, I stumbled a bit from the sudden hug, but I hugged her back, hearing her sobs, I know she needed me right now, I stroke her hair, and lead her to her room and I sit down on her bed with her, her head resting on my shoulder,

"You doing okay?" I ask her

She looks up at me with stuffy eyes, she says thank you, I smile at her,

"You're like a sister to me, I will always be here for you dear"

She just smiles wider and softly talks,

"Hey Bill, could I tell you something"

I turn to her and hold her hands

"Anything, what's up?"

I give her a reassuring smile, she smiles back and hesitantly speaks up,

"It's happened before" She looks down

I look at her with sympathy, this poor girl, she's been through this already? I pull her into a tight hug

"You poor thing"

She just smiles, relieved

"I'm happy I told you, only Georg knows, and he's been so overprotective since, I don't want to worry him even more"

she says looking up at me, I kiss her forehead and we lay there, falling asleep a while later.



I wake up, my eyes feeling heavy, but I notice that May isn't here, I also notice that Bill is gone, I start to panic a bit before I reach her room and find her fast asleep with puffy red eyes ontop on Bill who seemed to have been comforting her, I sigh, looking at them,


I said, before closing the door and heading down to the living room, where the rest of the boys seemed to have been waking up, it's amazing how well Bill and May got along with eachother, they had the same energy and understood eachother so much, I smile as I feel a hand on my shoulder, its Georg, He asks me where Bill and May are panic and worry in his eyes, I reassure him telling him that they were upstairs, he sighs with relief along with Gustav who had overheard, with the same worried look on his face, Georg headed upstairs to take a shower and Gustav told me he was borrowing the car because he needed to head to his and it was a long walk, I was fine with it, ofcourse, I just sat down on the couch, turning on the TV as something caught my eye

"No way..."


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