Baby, I'm yours.

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I get up to shower first, cleaning myself off, I hear a knock on the bathroom door.


no answer?

"HELLOOO" I shout


I turn the shower off and open the door, the hotel room door is wide open, Tom nowhere to be seen.


I turn around,

"Miss me baby?" Someone says.

I squint at the voice.



I wake up, sweating, panting. It was just a nightmare, the same one I've been having every night for 2 years. I quietly get out of the bed to go to my bag, reaching for my pills and a box of cigs. I grabbed a bottle of water and made my way to the balcony.

I take 2 pills and chug the water to get them down. I then open my cigs, pulling the lighter out and lighting one, placing it on my lips and inhaling the fumes into my lungs, I had sworn to stop, I know, but its a coping method. I sat back and closed my eyes, taking puffs every once in a while.

I opened my eyes and there he stood, Tom.

"Shit" I mumbled, stubbing the cig out.

"Thought you quit?" He said.
I just stayed silent, he sat down next to me, picking up the tablets.

"sertraline?" He asked

"Ever since...that, I've suffered from PTSD so I got prescribed" I said,

"Smoking is my coping method" I say, pulling out another cig and lighting it.

He pulled me into a hug, I told him about the nightmares I had.

"Don't worry liebe, I'm with you, every step of the way" He said, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Let's go to bed, if you have another nightmare just wake me up, ok?"

I nodded. Bringing everything in and stubbing out the cig. I placed everything on the table and climbed back into bed with Tom, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, his other around my waist, pulling me into him. I cuddled him,

"Goodnight Prinzessin"

I smiled.

"That's a new one"

He chuckled.

"Soon it'll be Königin"
He said, winking.

I blushed at his comment.

"Gladly, Mein Prinz"

He kissed me and I laid my head jnto the crook of his shoulder, galling asleep peacefully.


3 years later.



Jen was leading me through a random place, I didn't know it, especially since I was blindfolded. I almost gell about 100 times before she finally stopped me and I heard her run away.

"Jen?" I asked.

I took of the blindfold to see a lovely park, beautiful flowers everywhere, I turned around and saw Tom standing there, looking smart, for once...




This can't be happening right?

"Hey" He said, smirking.

"Hi..." I smiled,

"It's probably obvious what I'm going to say, so, here goes nothing I guess"

I start to tear up.

He gets down on one knee, and pulls out a small box from his pocket.

No fucking way.

"May Listing"

I nod, now crying.

"Will you marry me?" He asks.

I let out a sob.


He shoots up and we clash jnto eachother, the others appear from behind the trees, some crying, some cheering.

I could see Georg crying into Jen's arms.

I can't believe this.

The Tom kaulitz,

My boyfriend,

My now



(Last part tmr, rip)


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