Arising Fame

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I sit on the couch, waiting for the others to arrive, I hear the door click open and my head shoots I rhe direction of the noise, stepping out from behind it was Tom, I looked at the time, still 5 mins till 10, he's early, that's shocking.

"Hey beautiful" He says, immediately smiling as he sees me, I give him a kiss

"Heyy" I say, giving him a hug as he sits next to me, I pass him the bag of treats I got for him, his face lights up straight away, I giggle

"Danke liebe" He says, kissing my forehead, I giggle at him and smile

"Ofcourse" I say, giving him a kiss and being interrupted by three loud people walking into the studio, I roll my eyes as I see Jen, Dani and Laila emerge from the now open studio door, the all stop in their tracks when they see Tom,

"Woahh" Laila says, "whys homeless dude here?" Laila says, mocking Tom's style of clothing, to which Tom just flips her off, reasonable.

"We made up" I say, smiling

"Eh okay then" they all walk into the recording room, setting up each of their instruments, I look up to see Jen giving Tom a death stare, I motion ber to quit it, she's like a female version of Georg, Overprotective of me, to be honest they'd make a great couple.

I stand up, heading to the recording room with the girls' bags that I had forgotten about, and handed them their stuff.

"AWWWWW" is all that they said, each one of them hugging me, I giggled and rolled my eyes at them, I feel like their mother sometimes.

We all get ready to record the songs, I remember that the songs were about mine and Tom's relationship, also about the its fineeeeee...but he is here..watching us play the songs...which ARE about him.

Well shit.


We perform half of the songs, before taking a quick break, god it is exhausting. The time is now 1:20, yes it took 3 hours and 20 mins for the first half, I KNOW. But yet again, we were rehearsing each song multiple times before recording them. I walk over to the sofa and sit right next to Tom, reaching for my water straight away, Tom kisses my cheek, I hope he doesn't pick up on the songs.

"So..the songs were so nice, but, were they about us?

I jinxed that.

"Some of them are" I say, with a smile

"Mhmm, what about the rest?"

"They're just to add to the moooddd.." I say, he let's out a laugh and I laugh along with him. God he's so adorable.

I give him a kiss before heading back to the recording room to do the rest of the songs.


After we had recorded the songs, we sent them off to our manager, to add some adjustments to the filming, we had decided to release the music videos after the album release, just releasing the audio for each one for now.

We all walked out of the studio, me and Tom saying goodbye to the girls, before getting into Tom's car,

"Where to now?" He said to me

"Mmmm, what about that new steakhouse that opened not too long ago?"

"Right away m'lady"

I punched his shoulder jokingly and he started driving to the steakhouse.

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