All hope is lost.

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A few days had passed since I'd been moved locations, I was given clothes the night I was put in here, but nothing else. Only 2 lousy sandwiches. When was I going to get out of here?

I heard the door unlocking, causing me to quickly jot up, the door opened slowly, revealing a familiar figure...


I ran up to him, hugging him tightly,

"I missed you so much" I said

He pushed me away, causing me to fall and hit my head.

That's when I woke up.

I've been having the same dream, over and over.

My appearance has changed. I'm more pale, skinnier, my bruises on my body, I couldn't move my body, I needed food, water, nutrition. My body ached.

The door opened, Dylan appearing from behind it. I didn't move, I couldn't.

"Looking rough" He said.

I ignored him.

"Here" He said, tossing a sandwich at me.

I quickly grabbed it, shoving it into my mouth, fuck it was good.

"Were moving today, so get in shape, here" He gave me water and fresh clothes.

I took them, chugging the water.

"Fucking hell" He said, before closing the door.

I managed to stand up, getting changed into my fresh clothes. I fixed my hair and waited.




Me and Bill made it home, grabbing food and drinks for the road. Also fresh clothes for May when we arrive there. We headed out to the car and shoved the stuff inside. We hopped in and started to head to the addressees we had been told. Stop 1 was The creeps house. We searched it top to bottom. Nothing, not even a trace.

Stop 2. Angel's Buisness warehouse.
We were searching it, nothing. I missed a room, when I checked it, there was nothing. But, I noticed clothes, May's clothes. What the fuck have they done to her.

I grabbed them and headed out to the cat with Bill, heading to the last location.

We got in, searching the place. I went backstage, meeting a woman, she said her name was Lydia.

"Do you know anyone called May?" I said to her, staying as calm as possible.

She stiffened.

"Come with me" She said, leading me into a private room.

"They took her somewhere else when they figured you had their locations. She was taken to their most dangerous warehouse, it has top security, it the abandoned place on **** Road. Please, be careful. I think she's in room b5, it's the lowest and...worst."

I nodded, my breath shaky, I hope she's ok.

"Quickly, before they escape again."


So, here we are, driving to the warehouse. Its an hour away and Lydia told me that they know we are coming. I just hope we catch them in time.



The door.opened once again, Dylan.

"Get up and come with me" He said

I warily followed his instructions. This was thw first time I'd been out of the confined space. It was good. He led me through the large hall, and into the elevator. Hitting ground floor. The light seated through the doors as it opened, I squinted at the suddent burst of light. He talked to a few men whilst I stood to his side, my legs shaking. I took in my surroundings, memorising each license plate. Another car parked infront of the warehouse, I figured it was another one of their men, so I started to memorise the plate, that's when I realised.

A figure stepped out of the car.


And it wasn't a dream this time. I looked at the men, they were distracted. So I made a run for it. It was hard because of my food deficiency and water deficiency. But I managed. Tom started running towards me too, was this a dream?

I clashed into his arms, letting out sobs,

"It's ok May I'm here now" He said, picking me up and taking me to his car.

I can't believe this. I'm free, I'm finally out of that hell.



Sorry for the short chapter but I love leaving u guys on cliffhangers 💞😍

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