Not goodbye, but see you soon.

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Me and Tom sat in his room, watching a movie, Tom had already dozed off but I was still wide awake. I carefully hopped off of the bed and headed to the kitchen to grab a drink. I opened the fridge and grabbed a coke, Tom wouldn't minddd... I open the bottle and take a swig, the fizzyness giving me that stinging sensation, sent shivers down my spine I swear. I put the drink on the island, and I spotted something, a pack of cigs, last time I smoked was at the hotel, I just realised I never brought them back, shittt...

I hesitantly picked up the packet and drew a cig from it, grabbing a lighter and taking it outside to the backyard, where I lit it and took a drag, damn it felt good. The cold breeze hit my cheeks and I started to shiver at the coldness of the air. I felt a small drizzle of rain, lightly pouring

"Ughh" I said, taking a couple more drags from the cigarette before putting it out. I was about to walk inside but when I turned back around, the door had shut,

"Nonono" I said, trying to open it but it had self-locked

I didn't have my cell or anything.

I headed to the front of the house, before realising that the man's car was still parked out front.

"Shit" I whispered, peeking from the corner to try get a look at the car, memorising the license plate, and looking inside to try get a look at the man to refresh my mind of his appearance, but he wasn't there, I slowly crept from thw side of the house, making sure he wasn't there, then I ran to the front door, attempting to open it, locked. Ofcourse it's locked. All windows are closed and cannot be opened from the outside, I'm doomed.

I hear a noise from behind me, I quickly turn around, scanning my surroundings, nothing. I let out a sigh, I tried shouting the twins names, no luck. Another noise from beside me this time, I look, nothing. I turn back around but a force hits my head,




I wake up, yawning, the sun rays peeking through my window and hitting me in the face, which causes me to groan in annoyance. I go to kiss May on the head, but she's not there, must've gotten up earlier. I lazily get up and get dressed, I notice May's phone still on charge, weird. I look outside to make sure the creep is gone, he is, thank god. I head out of the room with May's phone, and go down the stairs, seeing Bill sat on the couch, but no May. I look around with confusion, before heading to the kitchen and putting May's phone on the island, next to a coke bottle, I roll my eyes and throw it at Bill,

"Don't drunk my coke dumbass" I say

He looks at me with pure confusion mixed with slight anger.

"I didn't take your coke asshole" He said, throwing the bottle back at me,

"Hey have you seen May?" I say, picking the bottle up and placing it on the island again.

"No? I thought she was asleep with you still?" He says, we both look at eachother with confusion.

"Well she hasn't left" I say, pointing at her phone, Bill nods, pointing at her shoes and jacket that are still sitting at the entrance of the house.

"I'll go check upstairs, you check outside and downstairs" I say, heading upstairs while Bill stands up and begins to search thw downstairs.

20 minutes go by of searching, nothing. This is where panic starts to kick in.


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