No questions

689 18 2


I answer one of the calls, finally, and Tom screams down thw phone, with panic and fear in his voice,


I felt bad, really bad, I know I should've told them but my phone was dead, and I couldn't let them see me like this.

"I'm sorry my phone died and I felt a bit sick so I went to the hotel, you guys were still on stage so I didn't want to disrupt you.." I reply, coming up with an excuse on the spot, trying to sound as convincing as possible.
I hear Tom sigh down the phone, his breath slightly trembling,

"It's fine May, just, maybe inform security to tell us next time, we all worried about you"

I smile down the phone

"I will, sorry"

"We'll be back in about half an hour, take a rest"

"I will" I smile before saying bye and hanging up the phone.

I genuinely didn't mean to scare them, I did feel bad, but it was for my own good, I placed my phone on the side and let it charge, I then covered myself in the sheets, making sure my makeup doesn't smudge for when Tom comes back, and I fall asleep.



Me and the others finally arrived at the hotel and I quickly rush up to my room, saying goodbye to the boys before opening my door and closing it behind me, I look over over the bed and see May snuggling the covers, I smile, still relieved that she was okay. I take my shoes off and take my clothes off, heading over to the bed and wrapping my arm around May, I look at her and smile, but I realise her lip, it's cut, maybe she bit it? I'll just ask her about it in the morning, for now, I just wanted to sleep here with her.



I wake up to Tom's arms around me, snuggling me into his chest, I softly move his arms off of me and check the time, 8am, I rush to the bathroom to re-apply my makeup, it had mostly came off, my bruises were now a vibrant purple and it was harder to cover, but I managed. I headed back out of the bathroom to see Tom sitting up, he smiles at me and I smile back

"Morning beautiful" He says

I walk over to him and bounce onto the bed, hugging him


I say, with a small giggle

"Sorry for the trouble last night, I didn't mean to worry you guys"

I rubs my back and plays with my hair softly,

"It's okay, just wanted to make sure you were safe"

I smile at him, giving him a kiss, before getting up to find an outfit today, I can't remember what he had planned for today, so I decided to ask Tom, see if he remembered

"Hey Tom, what are we doing today again?" I ask, niy taking my eyes off of the suitcase of clothes

"Oh, we are going to the pool for a chill day today, it depends when we go though because I don't know when those sleepyheads will wake up" He laughs and I let out a chuckle,

"Okay! I'll get ready, be right back"

I say, walking into the bathroom with my bikini and outfit, when I got in, I realised, Pool. Makeup. Bruises. Shit, I panic a bit, what do I do? Till an idea pops into my head, ah I know, I'll just sunbathe for today, I mean, I do need some sun, I was literally casper.

I get changed, putting my bikini under my clothes, adding some makeup to my bruises around my stomach where that girl had kicked me, my head was still pounding, like a huge migraine. I'm still trying to find out why she looked so familiar, and why she was calling Tom her boyfriend, i mean, I know that there are crazy fangirls, ones who call him their bf and husband and all that, but she seemed genuine. It hurt a bit, I knew Tom was the player type, but he wouldn't have another gf, right?

I shake the thoughts out of my head and walk out of the bathroom, to see Tom in his swimming trunks, no shirt, I throw a pillow at him and he looks at me confused

"Put a shirt on" I say laughing

"Cmon you like what you see" He says, I just roll my eyes at him

About 30mins pass and the others were up and ready, we all head out of our rooms, waiting for Bill, he took the longest, and heading down to the pool.

We got outside, and to our surprise, there was nobody else there, lucky us. I placed a towel on the sunbathing chair, as it was blazing hot and I wasn't about to lay on that, BURNING my skin, no way. I out everything to my side and the boys jump in, I laugh at them, putting my shades on and laying down.

A few minutes later Tom comes up to me

"You not getting in?" He asks

"Nah, getting a tan today, I need some sun" I say

He just laughs, before picking me up and throwing me into the pool,

Oh shit.

I hear all of the boys laugh at Tom throwing me in, but all that was going through my head was full on panic, I quickly got out of the pool and rushed into the building, rushing to the hotel room, getting to the bathroom and locking it, I'm doomed.

I look up at the mirror and my makeup had fully faded, my bruises fully visible now, I get a towel and whipe my skin dry, but it was no good, my face remained quite wet and the makeup wouldn't stick to it, I panicked so much, it turned into sobs, I fell to the floor, my head in my hands, it felt like I couldn't breathe, my throat was closing up, my breaths getting slower, panic rising, before I couldn't get any air at all, it hurt, I had locked the door, I couldn't open it since I was panicking so much, I felt myself get light headed, till everything went black.



May rushed out of the pool and runs into the hotel, hiding her face, me and the boys look at eachother, we thought she was being dramatic, but 10 mins passed and we started to worry, I decided to go into the hotel to look for her, I reach our room and search around screaming her name, I reach the bathroomand try to open it, locked.

"May? You in there?" I ask

No rely.

"Im sorry if I upset you, it was only a joke"

Still no reply.

"Hello? May?"


"May answer me it's not funny"


Panic starts to settle in.

"May unlock the door."


I burst through the door to see May laying on the floor, unconscious, I scream her name



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