My forever.

693 9 37


It's the day, finally.

The day me and Tom get married.

I won't lie, I'm incredibly nervous. But mostly filled with excitement.

I had asked Georg to give me away, he gladly said yes, so here we are, behind the large doors linking arms.

The music begins and the large doors opened. Everyone stood up as me and Georg walked down the Isle.

I saw Tom's face immediately light up, his signature smirk on his face like always, he looked so handsome.

I stepped up to the alter and held Tom's hands. Smiling at him.

We said our vows to eachother, and finally, the pastor asked

"Do you, May Listing, take Tom Kaulitz-Trumper to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I smiled at his question.

"I do"

Tom let out a chuckle.

"And do you, Tom Kaulitz-Trumper, take May Listing as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" He said in his thick accent.

"Is there anyone present in the room that protests with the marriage of the two?" He asked.

Luckily, it was silent.

"Ok, you may now kiss the bride" He said.

Tom pulled me in by the waist and pressed his lips against mine, I'm so lucky,

So lucky to have this man.


2 years later



" I still can't believe I'm going to be a father soon" Tom said.

I smiled at him.

"I know, I can't believe it either" I said, letting out a laugh.

"Well I'm going to go to the shop, mimd staying here and looking after the dogs?" I asked him

He hugged me, kissing my head.

"Ofcourse Prinzessin"

I kissed him before heading out of the door.

I walked into the shops, grabbing a few things, paying and heading out. I was about to walk home when a hand pulled me roughly by the wrist into the nearby alleyway.

I felt a sharp pain hit my stomach, a familiar one. I let out a scream.

I looked down, no.


the baby.

I was stabbed in the stomach.

I looked up at the person who had done this.

"I told you, stay away" the voice said.


He face lightened up,



And that's the end!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed my book, I thoroughly enjoyed writing it, the amount of support is amazing, I couldn't thank any of you enough, I love you all sososo much,

Thank you.

-Dessy 💞

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