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I run to her unconscious body, stumbling to the floor. I turn her head towards me, she has a bruised cheek, a swelled up bruise on her neck, some bruising around the eye, and... what the fuck. A slice on her neck. I immediately start to shake her

"May, come on wake up"

I continue to shake her, I check her pulse to double check, I sigh with relief, she just passed out. I carry her bridal style and lay her onto the bed, before I recognise more bruises, on her arms, her stomach and back, her legs, what the hell happened? I call the boys and tell them to get here as soon as possible, I sat down on the bed, stroking my hand through May's hair, before the door swung open and revealed the 3 boys,

"What happene- OH SHIT IS SHE OK?" Bill says, running up to May's side taking looks at her bruises, Georg pushed through to her and kisses her forehead, you could see how hurt he was.

"She was passed out on the bathroom floor when I got here" I say to them, my voice shaky, they all just stand there in shock.

"How the hell did she get these injuries, they're all over her" Bill says looking at her arms with a worried look, before looking at me.

"I don't know" I say, my chest feels heavy and I feel tears swell up in my eyes, I head outside the room for a breather, causing Bill to run after me. I reach the hallway and tears start to run down my face, Bill comes out and I try to hide them, but he pulls me into a hug and I break completely.

"Hey hey what's wrong are you ok??" Bill asks, pulling me away from the hug and looking at my face, whiping some of my tears.

"I'm supposed to protect her Bill, she got hurt because I wasn't there. Whoever down this will fukcing pay Bill, I swear." I whipe my tears and Bill looks at me with a sympathetic stare

"Oh Tom, it's not your fault, ofcourse it's not, you may want to protect her all of the time but if you don't it's jot your fault." He pulls me into another hug and I hug him back, I seriously don't know what it would do without him.



I wake up, my head pounding, I feel a warm arm around me, by his colone I could already tell that it was Tom. I smile and kiss his hand before opening my eyes, wincing at the brightness, I sit up, not wanting to wake Tom up, and I see Georg passed out on the floor next to the bed, Bill asleep at the end of the bed, and Gustav asleep on the couch which was pulled closer to the bed, I stare at them, confused, but then I remembered what had happened, they're probably going to be mad at me for not telling them, aren't they? I tense up at bit before gently getting out of bed and going into the bathroom, doing my business and grabbing fresh clothes to put on, I walk back out and gently get back into bed, Tom shuffles and slowly wakes up, he sees me awake and immediately jumps up and kisses my cheek,

"Hey princess, you feeling okay? You worried me there"

I smile at him and lay on his chest

"I'm fine, sorry I don't know what happened, I just, passed out?"

He lifts my head up and stokes my cheek

"Don't say sorry liebe, it's fine"

I hug him and give him a kiss, he was staring at my bruises, I knew I owed him and the others an explanation, but I'd wait for the boys to wake up first. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on to the news.

"Newly released Melissa Arcassman spotted outside of ***** Arena, where later that day, hit band 'Tokio Hotel' performed their concert for the release of their new album."

The picture fills the TV screen, my hear drops. I knew she was familiar. It's the same blonde haired girl that had beaten me up last night, Melissa.

I sat there, in shock, not sure if I should tell the others or not, I don't want to be a burden, I'll keep it to myself for now.


After the boys woke up, I decided to go for a walk by myself, just to get some fresh air, and to get my mind off of...her. I walked out of the hotel and down the street, walking into the local shop. The door dinged as I walked in, I headedbiver to the alcohol section, then bought some snacks, I got away with looking 18 for the alcohol, luckily.

I paid for everything and walked out, making my way to the nearest park and sitting in a small spot in the trees that I used to go to when I was little, the memories. I placed my stuff down and opened the alcohol, this would get my mind off of things. I took a sip, then another, and they kept going.

Soon enough I was really tipsy, laughing to myself and all, I mean, I had drank almost 2 bottles of straight vodka. I grabbed my snacks and the remaining bottle and climbed out of my spot. Walking back to the hotel, I couldn't even walk in a straight line. I made it to the hotel and made my way up the stairs, the elevator was wayyy to far for these legs right now. I made it to my room and realised I didn't have the key, so I knocked, well, slammed my hands on the door.

"Toooommmm" I yelled

I dropped the snacks and went to ick tem up but fell over my own feet, causing me to burst out laughing, I took another mouthful of the vodka and started to pick up the bag of snacks, as I was doing so, I hear a door behind me open, it was Tom, coming from Bill's room.

"Tommmmmm!!" I say, almost tripping again when I ran to him, I fell onto him and he pulled a face at me

"May? What's going on?" He said chuckling, before looking at me in the face, and behind me on the floor, where there was a now empty vodka bottle and snacks half in the bag, half spilling out.

"Oh god May what did you do" He said, carrying me over to our room and unlocking the door, he placed me on the bed and went back outside to grab the things.

"How many of these did you drink May!?" He said, walking back in and holding the vodka bottle up at me

"Only oneeeee, and that one too" I said snuggling into the sheets and kicking off my shoes

"You drank 2?! Just straight out of the bottle." He looked at me with a concerned face, before sighing and tossing it into the bin, placing the snacks on the side, and grabbing a bucket placing it near me.

He took his shoes off and got into bed with me, holding me against his chest,

"You worry me sometimes, may."


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