Accidents happen..

891 16 20



I continued to put my pj's on and headed out of the bathroom, Tom was laying on the couch flipping through the TV channel's, as I walked out he quickly glared at me with a smirk

"Sorry for coming in earlier, didn't know you were in there"

I looked at him with a reassuring smile "no worries"

I fold my clothes and put them in a pile on the floor next to my suitcase before belly-flopping onto my bed,

"You sure you'll take the couch? It's quite uncomfortable"

He looked back up at me, playing with his piercing,

"Yeah, don't worry about it"

I know how uncomfortable that couch was, so I felt really bad for him, but it was his choice, I say goodnight to him, going for a rest, as he turns the TV off taking a nap aswell.


Half an hour later, I was woken up by Tom, I looked up at him, still half asleep, before sitting up

"Tom? What's up?" I ask

"You wouldn't mind sharing the bed right?"

I just laugh at him, he smiles and chuckles, I open the blanket and tell him to get in, before I realised he was just in his underwear, it was quite akward, but it was normal for boys, I guess, he hopped into bed, wrapping himself in the covers, 10 mins later I turned around, now facing Tom, he pulled me closer, his hands around my waist, I laid my hands on his chest, we cuddled, keeping eachother warm for the rest of the nap.


The Sunlights Ray streamed through the gap in the curtains, hitting me straight in the eyes, I squint, and open my eyes to feel Tom's hands still around my waist, I turn around to face him once again, and just admire his beauty, before he whispers to me

"Hey beautiful"

My face goes bright red ad I playfully hit him laughing, he opens his eyes and we both sit up, my head laying on his chest, he looks down at me and we make eye contact, our faces inches apart, slowly, the distance decreases until our lips smack together closing the distance between us, it was a light, passionate kiss at first, but then it became messier and I started to sit up more, I shifted onto Tom's lap, his hands on my hips, we broke the kiss for some air, and smile at eachother, kissing eachother again before Tom spoke up

"The princess isn't so innocent after all huh?"

I laugh at him and smile, telling him to shut up,

"I like you, Tom."

He looks at me with surprise, but then replies

"I like you too, May."

I smile at him and plant a soft kiss on his lips,

"Soo...what are we?"

He plays with my hair before saying

"I'm your boyfriend, and you're my girlfriend"

I smile at his reply, my cheeks going bright red and my stomach full of butterflies, I couldn't be happier in this moment.

"You know Georg is gonna kill us"
He says, "I know" I reply, before kissing him deeply and standing up to get dressed into my clothes for the day, Tom following, getting dressed after me.



Me and May have decided to keep our relationship a secret for now, not sharing with anyone, especially not the public, right now we are headed to an interview that will be streamed live, May will be watching the interview from the sidelines, instead of sitting with us. We reach the studio and head into the main entrance where we were welcomed by security and we were led to the backstage area, May was lead to the sidelines as we were seated on the couch of the interview room, I wanted to give May a quick kiss before it started, but I knew I couldn't.

As we were seated, the interviewer came out and the camera man counted down

And we're live!

Just like that, the questions started.


The band sat on the couch, waiting for the questions to start flowing in, as the interviewer turned to them, asking questions about their music and upcoming songs and albums, stuff about tour, but then the juicy questions came in, the woman shown a picture paparazzi had taken the day before, a picture of the band walking into the hotel with May, Tom tensed up.

"So, this picture was taken yesterday of you guys arriving at your hotel with with a girl, is this one of your guys' girlfriends? Or is this Tom's fling?" The interviewer asked, with a playful look on her face, Georg spoke up

"Oh you're misunderstood, that's my little sister, May, we brought her on the tour, she's here right now, on the sidelines"

The interviewer glanced over to May, before speaking up

"Ah yes, May dear, come, sit, join us!"

May hesitated, before walking onto the stage and sitting down next to Tom, they were all tense

"So may, what do you do?"

May looked up at her, nervously playing with her fingers,

"Oh, I'm a singer for a band of my own actually, it's nothing big haha"

"Aww like brother like sister, what's your band called?"

"It's called starlight, we have been together for a couple of years, but we only perform around our neighbourhood right now" She laughs nervously

"Very nice"
the interviewer says, before returning her attention towards the band once again.

The interview continued as usual, and slowly came to an end.

The band got a ride to their hotel, to gather their outfits for the show in a couple of hours, all going into their own rooms.



Me and Tom walked into our room, as soon as the door closed he pinned me to the wall, kissing me deeply, I kissed him back, his hands on my waist and mine on his neck, pushing his head into mine, deepening the kiss more, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, as he carried me to the bed and started kissing ny neck, sucking on the soft spots, leaving a few hickey's, this was heaven to me, he looked up at me, before taking my top off, for consent, I give him a look of approval, before he took my shirt off, along with his, and I climbed on top of him, kissing him deeply, before the door opens.

We both turn our heads as the three stand there in the doorway, in shock, especially Georg

"What the..."


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