Not coming home.

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I head out of the room with Lydia, she leads me through the large building and up to a room with large doors. Yelling can be heard from inside. Lydia knocks on the door and the yelling stops,

"Come in" A man's voice rasped

Lydia opened the large doors, revealing a crying woman who headed out of the room, behind her wasn thw creep. Who I'm guessing is Sir Dylan. He was sitting on an office chair pressed up to a desk with his feet up. As soon as his eyes gazed upon me, his face lit up and he immediately jumped out of his seat,

"Ah, hello doll, please come on in!" He shreaked.

I slowly made my way into the room, Lydia staying outside and closing the doors behind me. Dylan came over to me, guiding me to the seat infront of his desk.

"I love this outfit on you" He said, slapping my ass, I sat down and he sat infront of me.

"So, You'll be working as a stripper, as you're not of age to be a prostitute, as soon as you're 18 you'll be set up to a prostitute."

I knew this was coming, I nodded.


1. You will always have a guard with you. Unless you've been rented for any lap dances.

2. Don't even try running away, it's not possible.

3. There are cameras, everywhere. So don't try anything.

4. You have to always obey my orders. No matter what.

Now, if you follow all of these rules, maybe I'll let you go home"

I smile at the thought of going home, seeing my band, seeing my friends, seeing Tom. But my smile drops, thinking of shat I have to do for simple human rights. Shit. I turn 18 in 2 months, if I'm here longer than 2 months, I don't think I'll be able to cope.

"You first shift is today princess, you'll wear the outfits provided by Lydia. Can't wait to see you in them" He said, winking.

I got up from my seat and headed towards the door, opening it and walking back to my room. The door automatically locked behind me, I sat on the bed, I felt nothing.



"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE" I screamed, pacing up and down the living room. It had now been 3 hours of looking for May, nothing. I had even called her band and the boys, nothing.

"Tom calm down, we'll find her soon" Bill said, trying to calm me down.


I sat down on the couch, my head in my hands.

"Let's just run over what could've happened, you fell asleep first. So, she was thirsty and came down to get a drink. Hints why the bottle of coke was on the island."

I nod,

"But what the fuck could've happened next?" I said. Standing back up.

That's when it clicked. I walked out of the backdoor, scanning the backyard. There was a burnt out cig on the floor. I walked around the house, to the front. There. On the grass. The plant pot that had sat beside our door was on the grass, knocked over.

"That fucking creep" I said.

I knew it was him.

I stormed back inside, Bill looking at me with a confused look.

"The fucking creep took her, grab your jacket we're going to the steakhouse." I say, grabbing my keys and heading out to my car, Bill scurrying behind me.

God I hope she's okay, I can't imagine what she might be going through right now.



Lydia had dropped off clothes for my "shift" tonight, I dreaded what was about to go down, but atleast I'm not a prostitute, not yet atleast.

Lydia had dropped off clothes for my "shift" tonight, I dreaded what was about to go down, but atleast I'm not a prostitute, not yet atleast

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(The fit)

I get dressed, the one peice was almost see-through, ew. It had small chains that hung from each side of my hips, also in between my chest area, not very...stable.

I walk into my room, where Lydia was sat, she led me out of my room and down the long stairs, giving me a white fur coat. We both headed our of the door and infront sat a long, black limousine, guards holding the doors open for us. Inside sat Sir Dylan, ofcourse he was next to me.

I sat down in my seat, trying my best to get comfortable, but Dylan laid his hand on my thigh. I jump at his sudden move, but refrain from making eye contact.

"Your first night, I already know you'll get us high prices" He said, gently squeezing my thigh.

"What..." I pause before continuing.

"What do you mean by that?"
I say.

"Well, Princess, your body is perfect, ever since I met you, I knew you were special."


That sentence made me sick to the stomach. I could throw up any second.

I just nodded. The whole ride was silent, till we reached the club. I hopped out, in-between Dylan and Lydia. We headed through the crowd, straight to the back.

"So, This is your dancing instructor, Lauren. She'll be teaching you all of the things you need to know for your job. You're performing tonight, so you should get learning. I'll tell you everything else afterwards. Good luck" Lydia said, walkignbacj out to the front,

Dylan made his way to me, snailing his hands around my waist,

"Do good for me cupcake" he whispered.

What a fucking weirdo.

He gave me a kiss and headed out.

My instructor immediately started teaching me the dance for tonight, I don't know how they do it, I'm not that flexible yknow. I still couldn't wrap my head around all of the recent events, will I ever be found? Shut up May, you'll get through this, you have millions of supporters, friends, family, a boyfriend. Just don't give up, high hopes. Just obey.

After about an hour of rehearsal, I finally aced the performance, I was ready, or so I thought. My name was called onto the stage, it was my turn. I got ready to step onto stage, I stepped out, thw spotlight hitting me immediately.


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