Sudden decisions...

643 10 17



What the fuck was he doing kissing another girl? Behind my back? Just because I'm gone doesn't mean I wouldn't find out.

In the heat of the moment I shoved my phone back into my pocket and went back over to Nick,

"Hey Ma-"

I cut him off, smashing our lips together, revenge. He pulled me in deeper by the waist and I wrapped my hands around his neck, he placed me against a wall, now my legs around his waist and my hands on his head, this carried on for about 10 minutes before we both pulled away and smiled, catching our breaths.

Two can play that game Tom.

Nick placed me down and I checked the time on my phone, almost 7pm, shit.

"Hey I'm going to hit a club with my band, I'll see ya around" I say, winking at him before he does a fake salute to me, making me laugh, I walk away and wave him goodbye before finding the others and walking out of the bar towards the club. We are all somewhat drunk, me being the drunkest, and we made it to the club by 7:20, this wasn't a normal club, where you'd be asked for ID and what not, this was a secret club, hidden in the backstreet of an alleyway, no ID no nothing, perfect.

We walk in and I immediately go to the bar, getting a few drinks and demolishing them in a matter of seconds. Before you know it, I was on the dance floor grinding on someone,
(I don't know how i got here at all) he had his hands on my waist, directing them where he wants to, I was oblivious, my head was hazy and my vision was blurry, he took my hand and led me out of the club, then getting into a car and driving me somewhere, I was so tired that I passed out in the backseat, absolutely wasted.



I wake up on a bed with silk red sheets, my head pounding, stomach curling, everything hurts. I out my hand on my head and sit up, that's when I noticed the man In the bed next to me, and the daft that we were both only in our underwear.




I didn't did I? We didn't?..

I get up and put last nights clothes on, quietly trying to open the door but a voice behind me says

"Where you going pretty lady?"

I turn around and see the guy awake, smirking at me,

"Uhh..home? By the way we didn't...yk did we?"

He just chuckles at me before getting up and wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck, what the hell is this guy doing?? I try to push him away but it's no good.

"Stop, please"

"Shut up, you owe me this after last night."

!!! TW : SA !!!

He continues to kiss my neck and his hand goes under my shirt and to my bra, at this point I'm in tears, begging for him to let me go, he lifts my shirt up and undoes my bra, revealing my boobs, I could only think of Tom in this moment, waiting for him to burst through the door to help me, but it was no luck. Not this time. The man squoze my tits, and I tried to stop him, to cover myself up, but he was too strong. I finally managed to kick him in the ... Place and try run for the door, he tripped me up and slepped me,

"Don't try to run, not until I'm finished you slut."

I layed there, helpless, as he carried me onto the bed and put handcuffs on my arms, legs, and also putting a rag in my mouth. I just closed my eyes, imagined that this wasn't happening, that someone would help me soon, it was all a dream.

The man pulled down my shorts and started kissing my underwear.

This can't be real.

He started rubbing my clit from the outside.

No, stop it please.

Then he pulled down my underwear, pulling down his too.

I don't want this.

He started grinding his dick against my clit.

Don't do this.

Before pushing his member in with a loud groan.


He kept thrusting in, tears running down my face, I just wanted to go home.

He kept going till he reached his climax and didn't pull out, that's what scared my the most, no protection.

He pulled out afterwards and untied me

"Now you can go whore"

I quickly put everything on rushing out of the door, and out of the house.

I had no car with me and my phone was dead, so I had to walk. Good job I recognised the street.

After 30mins of walking I reach my house. My makeup all smudged, mascara running down my face. I get my keys and unlock the door. I'm alone.

I take my shoes off and put my bag on the floor, putting my keys on the table and heading up to my room, it felt amazing being home.

I change out if my clothes, and grab pj's, heading for the shower. I place my clothes down and turn the shower on, I look at myself in the mirror.





!!!!!! Sh !!!!!!

Everything running through my head. I look down and reach for the drawer, revealing my old razor, I look down at it hesitantly, and I look at my healed scars. Everything was shitty again. I grabbed the razor quickly and hopped in the shower. Letting out sobs, blending in with the water. I am a slut, I am a whore. I don't deserve anyone. I'm useless. I'm just a toy.

I take my razor and Place it against my thigh, I drag it along, deep enough for a scar. The blood immediately rushed out. I didn't care, I kept going, cut after cut, till I gave in, this will solve nothing. I threw my razor to the ground and got out of the shower, placing a cloth on my cuts.

I dried my body off and placed toilet roll on my thigh, keeping it in place with plasters on the edge of it. I then put my pj's on, before turning the shower off and heading out of the bathroom. As soon as I was in my bedroom, I jumped onto my bed, closing my eyes and letting myself completely forget about the events from that day.


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