I owe you an explanation..

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My eyes flutter open, my head suddenly aching like never before, I now realised the consequences from the night before, immediate regret. I turn around and see Tom asleep, his head on ny stomach, I smile and kiss his head before carefully hopping out of the bed, making sure not to wake him up.

I head to the bathroom and take a look at my bruises, some fading green, but some are still a purple-ish colour. I put some makeup on and head out, seeing Tom waking up and stretching, as I walk out he turns to look at me,

"Morning beautiful" I look at him and smile

"Morning Tommy" I say,


"Tommy?" He looks at me with a smirk

"Shit sorry, just slipped out" I say laughing a bit

He comes up to my and kisses me passionately, I place my hands on his neck, deepening the kiss, we pull apart for ait and rest our foreheads together.

"I like it" He says, before getting up and going into the bathroom

I felt like jumping up and down, screaming, this guy makes me so happy, what would I do without him?

I spot the snacks I had bought the night before and grab them, emptying the bag and looking at what I had bought. Some chocolate, gummies, a few drinks, crisp, and cigarettes? I hadn't smoked in a longgg time, as I quit about a few months back, when times were rough.

I ate some snacks, I could now hear the shower running, so Tom would be in the bathroom for some time, as he loves to sing in the shower. I kept taking glances at the pack of cigarettes, I knew I had to resist, but, they were practically begging me to open them, giving in, I slowly grabbed the pack and a lighter and headed for the balcony, quietly sliding r doors open and lighting one, placing it in my mouth and taking a drag, it was heaven, I knew I shouldn't, but I needed to.

I sat outside for a while, till I heard the shower turn off.

"Shit" I whispered, quickly putting out the cig and throwing it off of the balcony, hiding the pack of cigs as Tom walked out if the bathroom, and noticed me on the balcony.

"Hey, what're you doing out here?"
He asked

"Oh nothing, just getting some air" I said, letting it a small chuckle at the end.

Tom just gave me a kiss and walked back inside, phew. If he had told georg I would be doomed.

"Oh remember we have another concert today, you'll have good seats don't worry" He said, screaming from inside the bathroom as he was changing.

I say okay to him and quickly slip the cigs into a drawer before hopping onto the bed and snacking some more.


A few hours had passed and it was time to go to the concert venue. We arrived through the doors and headed straight for backstage, the concert started in 1hr and 30m, millions of fans already piled up outside. The band spent the past hour and 20m getting ready and setting up equipment. 10 mins to go, you could already hear the screams from the crowd, you were directed to your seat and the lights dimmed, the first song playing, here we go.

As the band was taking a water break, you seen a familiar face telling you to follow them, Melissa. You made your way towards her, your stomach tuning as you did so. As you reached her, she dragged you into a room and pinned you to the wall, once again, slamming your bead against it.

"What did I tell you, huh?" She said
I was frozen in shock, I couldn't move.

"I'm sorry" I managed to get out.

I was terrified, I knew what she was capable of, I knew her records, I was completely frozen, like a deer in headlights.

She pulled out her pocket knife again, I immediately started shaking my head no, begging for mercy, she held it up to my throat, before tracing it down a bit, to my stomach, and piercing it in, slowly, but painfully, I screamed in agony, I knew that in this moment, I was dead. She immediately covered my mouth, quickly pulling the knife out, causing me to scream again, muffled, because of her hand over my mouth. I held my stomach tightly, gripping it in pain, before slowly falling to the floor. She crouched down to me

"This is your last warning." She said, before walking out of the door, leaving me there, once again.

20 minutes pass and I built up the courage to stand up, using my jacket as a cover to my wound, I headed back into the crowd. Trying my best to not worry the others, I get back tonmy seat and flinch at the pain, then meeting eyes with Tom, he smiled at me, and I put on a smile, holding it dornas longs ad I could, before breaking down, causing Tom's smile to fade, he looks down to my stomach and his face goes pale. A few people in the crowd notice and spot me, bleeding out, some scream, but they blend into the crowds screams, security leads me out and medics come rushing over to me.

I felt my eyes start to close, the medics telling em to stay awake, but I couldn't. My vision goes black.


I wake up to the sound of beeping, at first, I though it was an alarm clock, so I felt around, before the pain hit me, I opened my eyes, seeing Tom look up at me, all 4 boys were there,

"May, thank god!!" Tom says, gently hugging me

I laughed slightly, before sitting up, slowly. They all look at me with worried glares, Georg comes up tonme and hugs me, gently but for a long time, he then kisses me on the head before asking immediately,

"May who done this to you?" He looks at me seriously, I look at the others, they're just as worried.

"I.." I start to get nervous.

"I didn't see their face, they just walked past me and the next moment, this happened.." I knew I shouldn't lie to them, but Melissa is a dangerous person, she could do anything, and I knew I had to leave. For my sake, and for their sake.


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