Do you believe in miracles?

552 11 2

----------------------2 years ago--------------------






I wake up, blaring lights flashing in my eyes, it's painful, I sit up, instant pain hitting my stomach, I slam my body back down.

"Yeah you're best laying" someone said, I looked over, It was a nurse.

"What happened?" I manage to say.

"You were shot twice, we almost lost you."

I sighed.

"I wish you did" I whispered.

"What was that?" She said.


A doctor came into the room, smiling. He came over to me with a peice of paper. He started noting things.

"Okay, she's stable, I'll go tell them you're awake" He said
He looked back at me with confusion.

"Why? Are you in danger with them?" He said, walking back to me.

"No, not them, but if you tell them, I will be, with someone else."

I said, with a stern face.

"Yknow it's against the rules"


He sighed.

"I'm sorry for your loss" I heard from the hall.

Then afterwards followed a bunch of sobs and screams.

Can't go back now.

-------------------present time---------------------


Me and Tom walked to his hotel, he's still very mad at me, reasonable. But I am so happy to have him back. I regret what I did, but there was no going back.

We reached the hotel, and he put a big hoodie with glasses on me, so it'll look like I'm just a different person. He peeked into his room, since he was sharing with Bill, but he wasn't there. Good. He probably went to Gustav and Georg's room, I know he'll be the happiest. He is my brother after all.

Tom knocked on their door, a few seconds after, it opened, revealing Gustav.

"Tom, oh who's this?" He said, looking at me

"You'll see" is all he said.

We walked into the room of familiar faces. Bill, Georg, and Gustav. Oh how I missed them. They all asked the same question, who's this? Tom sat them down and started to explain.

"Well, I was at the lake this morning, and I went to the cafe, and then I noticed that Lydia girl was there, so I talked to.her but she was with her friend and we'll..."

I started to take everything off.

"It was May"

They all sat in disbelief, Georg jumped up already in years and hugged me really tight.

"Oh my god May" He said.
"I missed you g" I said to him, embracing the sobs from around the room.

He pulled back and Bill and Gustav bear hugged me together.

"WHAT THE HELL" Bill screamed.

"GOD I MISSED YOU MAY" Gustav cried.



After calming everyone down, I started to explain how I was here. Even the Melissa situation.

"Wait, so, when you were all beaten up, that was Melissa?!" Tom said,

I nodded at him.

"And the stab?"

"I think so? I can't remember very well"

"Holy shit" Georg mumbled

"And you didn't think to tell any of us?" Tom said, furious.

"Well..." I said, looking over to Bill, he was just awkwardly scratching his neck.

"Yeahhh" Bill said

"Wtf man why didn't you tell us?!" Gustav said.

"I told him not too" I said, causing their attention to come back onto me.

"Yeah, I wanted to tell you guys, but May can be scary.." Bill said.

Tom just sighed.

"I'm going to get some air" He said. Getting up and walking out of the room.

I charged up and went after him, he had walked onto the balcony in his and Bill's room.

I walked out onto the balcony, smiling at him.

"I like your new hair by the way" I said.

He just nodded.

"I'm sorry, I was scared at the time, I didn't know what she would do to me if i-"

I was cut off by Tom's lips crashing into mine, it was passionate, god how I missed him.

He picked me up and headed to the bed inside, our lips still intertwined.

His tongue explored every bit of my mouth, he broke away to take his shirt off, taking mine off too.

"God I missed you May" He mumbled, crashing his lips onto my neck, and sucking on all of the sweet spots, leaving multiple hickeys.

He kissed his way down to my stomach, reaching the hem of my pants and looking up at me for consent, I nodded at him and he took my pants off, his too, leaving us both in just our underwear. He slid his hand into my underwear and started to rub my clit, earning small moans from my mouth. He teased me before inserting 2 fingers into me, I let out a loud moan. He kept sliding his fingers in and out of me. He started to go faster, and just as I was reaching my climax he stopped, causing me to groan. He took of my underwear and my bra, and also his underwear. Leaving us both naked.

He started to rub his member against my opening, before pushing it in with a big thrust, I held onto the sheets for dear life. He began thrusting in and out, hitting my good spot each time. God he felt like heaven.

"Fuck I'm going to cum" He groaned.

His pace became faster and his thrusts sloppier. Finally, we both reached our climax with another thrust. I moaned so loud that astronauts could hear me. He pulled out and panted, out of breath. He laid to the side of me, catching his breath and he put his arm around me.

"I love you so much May, please don't leave again"

"I won't, I promise."


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