History repeats.

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I walk downstairs after a couple of minutes, my eyes still red and puffy, and my leg still hurting. I see Tom first, I remember the photo, I might aswell get it out of the way.

"Tom can I talk to you"

His attention shifts to me and he followed me to my room

"What's up love?" He says kissing my forehead

I sigh and pull up my phone, showing him the photo I was sent, he looks at it

"Why did you do it Tom"

He looks at me and laughs, what the fuck is his problem?

"Dear, look at it, properly."

I, confused, take a closer look and realise that the picture was from a year ago.

I look up at him and we both burst into laughter, after holding it in for so long

"Sorry, I was drunk when I saw the photo, didn't realise"

He kisses me passionately

"It's okay baby"

He pauses

"Drunk?! But that's from last night? It says u were sent it last night, why were you drunk?" He says to me with a stern look

"Well I had a performance at a pub and didn't want to go home when it finished so I had some drinks.."

I looked at him with puppy eyes, he just kissed me and I smiled into the kiss, I don't deserve this man.

We headed downstairs and Bill, Gustav and Georg were waiting there on the couch, Georg bringing in the last of the snacks

"Just on time" He said, sitting down

Me and Tom sat down next to eachother on the couch

"What movie first?" Georg says

"WHITE CHCIKS" I scream, causing the boys to jump, I love white chick's, it's a classic.


All day we watched movies, of all genres, everyone was asleep, but not me, they were probably tired from the plane, I unwrapped Tom's arm from around me and dragged myself upstairs to my room, checking my thigh, it had started to heal alot, I cleaned around the wounds, that's when Tom came into my room.

He just stood there, in shock, as did I, not moving, just staring at him.

"What the fuck May?"

"Tom don't"

He tenses up, letting out a sigh, he comes over to me and kissed my forehead, hugging me

"I love you"

I look at him in shock

"You what?"

He takes my hand

"I said I love you."

I smile at him, letting out a small laugh

"I love you too, Tom."

He kissed me with love, slowly the kiss intensified, leading to him giving my neck thousands of hickeys. We fell asleep on my bed afterwards, cuddling.


I wake up to Tom playing with my hair, I smile up at him and kiss him on the cheek

"Morning beautiful" He says

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