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I turn around to see the others, all with disgust mixed with confusion upon there faces, I look at Tom and we both get up and try to explain things

"No, please it's not what it looks like" I laugh, not so convincing as the 3 boys stand there still staring in disbelief,

"It was a one time thing we swear, it was an accident" Tom said, he knew how Overprotective Georg is of me, since I'm his little sister,

The three boys let out a sigh, they didn't believe us, but they believed it was a one-time thing, since that's Tom's way of things usually. I just hope he wasn't telling the truth about that.

There was a pause of silence before Bill finally spoke up

"Our show is in a couple of hours, we leave in 3 to get to the venue, that leaves us 4 hours to get ready and out equipment set up, meet us in the lobby in 3" He said, before closing the door

Me and Tom just look at eachother, dumbfounded, and lay down on the bed, before I ask Tom

" that wasn't true was it? "

He quickly turns his head to me,

"What bit?"

I thought that hinted that atleast one of the things he said was true, that stung

"That it's a one-time thing?" I finish

He pulls me into him by my waist, and kisses my cheek

"Ofcourse not liebe"

I felt a wave of relief grow over me, as I gave Tom a kiss,

"Do you want to continue?" He said to me, giving that cocky smirk as usual, I smiled at him,

"I mean we have time.."

He immediately kisses me deeply before he lays me on the bed, going to undo my bra, but looks at me for consent first, I nod at him and he slowly unclips my bra and takes it off, slowly, before revealing my breasts to him, he started to kiss my neck, slowly going down further, and further, till he reached my breast and started sucking on it, I let out a soft moan, he tugged on my pants before he took them off of me, doing the same thing, which left him in his underwear, I could see his hard member under them.

I took my underwear off as he did the same, we look at eachother full of last first before he crashes his lips into mine, his tongue slipping through y lips, exploring every inch of my mouth, he reached down my body, trailing his hand to in-between my thigh, before rupping the top of my clit, I let out a moan at the sudden touch, his mouth left mine and I started to rub him as he did to me, he let out small groans, then he shifted himself down my body, his head at my opening, slipping his tongue inside of my as I let out a loud moan that trailed on, calling out his name.

He removed his tongue from me and slid a finger into my opening, I clawed at his back with pure lust, small moans leaving my lips, he slid another one in, moving the both in and out, stretching me out for his large member, he removed his fingers and grabbed his dick, his free hand going up to my face,

"Spit" He said with a smirk

I done as he said and spat into his hand as he rubbed it over his dick, before lining up with my entrance, I tightly gripped the sheets before his entered me with a massive thrust, I loudly yelled his name with a moan, he looks at me as reassurance that I am alright, I look at him and nod before he starts to slowly move in and out, the pain from before turning into full pleasure, I felt my eyes rolling back, never have felt this way before, I continued scratching at Tom's back each time he hit my g-spot, his thrusting became harder and faster, and he looked at me in the eyes, sweat forming on his head and mine, we crashed lips before moaning and releasing at the same time, we sat laid there, him onto of me, getting air before he pulled out and sat beside me, planting a kiss on my cheek.


As the 3 hours passed, me and Tom made our way downstairs to the lobby to meet the others,

As the 3 hours passed, me and Tom made our way downstairs to the lobby to meet the others,

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We all headed out to the tour bus and sat in our seats, I went to sit next to Tom before Georg pulled me to sit next to him at the very back, I knew what was coming.

We sat down and he was angry.

"What were you thinking?!" He yelled in a whisper,

I looked at him, annoyed, I sometimes hated when he's this overprotective.
I ignored him before he spoke again,

"May you can't make out with my friends and act like it's no big deal, yiu know that, you know what he's like, he'll break your heart" he said, I still sat there ignoring him, before I finally spoke up,

"What's so wrong about it? He won't do that Georg, I know he won't, why can't I just do what I want to, you always try hold me back from what I want, just let me do what I want." I bursted, before standing up and heading to sit next to Tom, before Georg pulls my arm one more time, bringing us into a hug

"I just want you to be safe" He said

I hugged him back and kissed his forehead, reassuring him before sitting down next to Tom

"Everything alright meine liebe?" He looked at me with concern

"Everything's fine" I say smiling at him before giving him a kiss and cuddling into his arm, his head resting on mine.

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