All eyes on me.

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I step onto the stage, cheers are heard from the crowd. I put on a fake smile and the music starts to play, I move my body to the rhythm and perform the dance I was taught. Everyone's eyes were on me, I could see Dylan at the bar, watching my every move,

As much as I hated it, it was my ticket out of here, I had to.

Flowers were thrown onto the stage, money, even credit cards? Along with papers with peoples numbers on them and compliments.

The song came to a stop and I sriked my end pose, before blowing a kiss and heading off stage. As soon as i got off I broke into tears. I felt like a slut. I felt dirty.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me into a hug, I looked up, it was Lydia. I hugged her back and continued to let out sobs, I want this to end, now.

Lydia whiped my tears away,

"I know how it feels, you'll be okay" she says, giving me another hug.

Suddenly Dylan appears from behind the door.

"You were great princess, you're a natural"

He says, shooing Lydia away, she gives me a reassuring smile before heading out of the room.

"You've got a few lap dance requests, your a High seller, they paid alot so live up to that price." He says, pulling me into a kiss and slapping my ass.

"You have 10 mins before your first lap dance, get ready"

He walks away, I try to fix myself up, getting ready for my first ever lap dance, I don't know if I can do it.



Me and Bill walk into the steak house, I go straight to one of the employees.

"Where's your manager." I say, the waiter looks at me with a confused look.

"Is something wrong sir?"

My blood is boiling.

"I said, where the fuck is your manager"

The employee guides me to the back, into a room that is labelled "manager"

I bust into the room, the manager stand up

"Woah woah boys, what's going on?"

"Where is she?"

The manager let's out a nervous laugh.


I punch the wall


"I-i don't know Dylan doesn't tell me where he takes people"

Got him.

"Tell me everything about him."

The man nods,

"He's a business owner, the head of Angels. He also owns a club on **** st.
He's incredibly wealthy and a few months ago he hired me as his fake manager to help him in his business, that's why he started working here."

I out out a breath.

"What's his address? What's the name of the club? Where is this 'Angels' business?"

The man gives me all of the information I need. I'm coming, May. Please be okay.



My break was over, it was time. My coach had given me a few lessons on what I had to do, I think I could manage. I was led into one of the VIP back rooms, I saw the customer, wasn't surprised. It was a middle aged man, probably had a wife and was too bored of her, that's normally the case. He had a stubble beard and ofcourse, a bear belly. EW.

I got myself ready, and started. This is the most uncomfortable I've ever been. But I had to keep going. Afterwards I finished up and recieved the money, I then headed out, letting a deep breath escape my lips. This went on a few more times with different men I made a total of £/$764 from just lap dances. And a few more from the strip dancing that I done. By the end I was worn out. I headed to the bar and gave Dylan the money. Suddenly, he got a phone call.

"Hello? What!? Why would you do that?! SHIT. Okay I'm moving locations." He then hung up. Weird.

He grabbed my by the arm, dragging wm out to the limousine, then telling rhe driver to go to a new location, why were we going somewhere else? Was someone onto him? Was it Tom? I don't know.

We got to the location and a few men were stood outside of an abandoned building, hell I ain't going in there.

Dylan then dragged me by the arm again. Throwing me into the men's arms.

"Take her to room 5b, seal her in and don't take her out till I say."

The men looked at eachother.

"But sir, you know that room is-"

"DO WHAT I SAY" Dylan screamed, making me jump,

By his reaction I became scared. What's with this room? I tried to break from their grips but it was no use. They dragged me into the building, bringing me into an elevator. It moved down and the doors opened, a long corridor appearing. It was a really long walk till we got to the end, a singular door. The door had about 12 locks on it, different lock combos, keys, numbers. They opened the door and tossed me in. Locking all of the locks behind them. What the fuck?!

I banged on the door, screaming. I hate enclosed spaces like these. I stopped banging, knowing there was no use and I took in my surroundings. There were solid concrete rooms, no windows, only a few air sockets, a speaker and a camera on the wall, a solid mattress on the floor, and a toilet with some toilet roll. No shower. No fresh clothes. No food. No water. Barely anything.

How the hell was I going to survive down here? What happened to the promise? Was I even gong to live at this point? What's going on?

All of these questions running through my head, making me so overwhelmed. I start crying, I backed into the corner where the mattress was, and I fell down.

What do I do?


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