Trust me.

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I was flicking through the TV channel's before something caught my eye

"No way..."

I mumbled under my breath, I turned the TV off and went to wake up Bill, I scurried to May's room and gently woke up Bill, trying to keep May asleep, he opened his eyes with sight confusion, mostly pissed I woke him up, I gestured to him to get up and head out of the room, he followed me out and I closed May's door, slowly to keep her asleep,

"What? You interrupted my sleep there, I was like sleeping beauty"

I look at bill with a serious glare, his face tenses up

"Hey, what's up?"

He said, looking at me with a worried look, I look at the floor then back up to him

"She's out" I say

He just looks at me with pure confusion, I didn't want to say her name, but he left me no choice.

"Melissa's out."

I bite my quivering lip as I can feel Bill's intense stare, with pure panic.



I woke up with heavy eyes, expecting a sleeping Bill next to me, but he wasn't there, not even in my room, he must've gotten up earlier than me, I sit up and get changed into fresh clothes, I check the time, 2:00pm, shit, I sure slept for a while, I opened the door and started heading downstairs, I look around and it seems like the boys had went home, nobody but me was here, 'quite strange, I thought they would've atleast woke me up before they left' I thought to myself, I was walking into the kitchen before I spotted an unusual piece of paper on the table, with my name on it.

I picked up the piece of paper and read it

Hey may, its me Georg, me and the boys headed out and let you sleep for a while because of the events of last night, figured out you needed it, if you're wondering where we went, don't worry about it, just a quick emergency, won't be too long, Love you, stay safe


I read the letter, a smile appears on my face by the end of it ' quick emergency ' huh? I wonder what happened, better not to be nosy though, I placed the paper back down and went to make myself a coffee, afterwards I grabbed my mug and sat on the couch and turned the TV on, it was the news,

"Melissa Blanchard released out of prison at 8am this morning, after spending 5 years in prison for abuse, officers say she has progress and will not cause any harm at the given moment, while in prison Melissa self reflected and seems  to be more stable"

I raised my eyebrows

"Interesting" I say, then skip the channel, "but so boring" I chuckle to myself before finding a show to watch while drinking my coffee.



I arrive at mine and bills house with the rest of the boys, we quickly check around the house, no Melissa, we all sigh with relief and quickly locked all door's, Melissa was my ex from almost 5 years ago, we were in a relationship for almost a year before she got abusive towards me, both mentally and physically, she eventually got arrested but she was released this morning, she had a bad toll on me, and I don't want to be in that situation again, that's why I don't get with girls after a one night, I just try to hide it with my tough boy persona.

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